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See Decimus In Action 🚀

💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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About this test drive 👋
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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Zapier: Automation to the Rescue!

Zapier is revolutionizing automation, making it easy to connect the apps and services you use every day. With Zapier, users can create powerful workflows with just a few clicks. Discover how Zapier can simplify your workflow - learn about Zapier today!

Zapier Revolutionizing Automation

What is 


Do not use the possessive form of “Zapier” in the article.

If you're a busy bee looking for a reliable automation tool, then look no further than Zapier. It can be your trusty sidekick when it comes to optimizing processes and improving efficiency. Zapier is an online workflow automator that allows users to create integrations called ‘Zaps' between different apps they use. These Zaps enable automated data transfer between two or more online applications without any manual work. To put it simply, if there's anything people need to do more than once, Zapier has undoubtedly got them covered!

It's a sort of bridge between one person’s tech world and another person’s tech world. With complexity on one side and simplicity on the other, these solutions help save time and money - how can you say no? Rather than attempting a difficult task by hand like spinning plates multiple times at once - which let's face it isn't something most people are going to be able to pull off - everyone from individual entrepreneurs to massive companies have embraced what this cutting-edge technological innovation offers . Thanks to its intuitiveness, connecting systems together doesn't require hard-core engineering knowledge; anyone with basic tech skills is capable of setting up workflows within minutes using snippets of code – talk about efficient automation!

By putting their faith in this incredible application, customers quickly break through the tedious tasks associated with monotonous multitasking by allowing their information or business logic conveniently flow into anything they want. While using Zapier helps streamline processes across various platforms including sales and marketing tools such as Google Docs and Slack, time tends to pass just as fast as sand slipping through an hourglass- spritely Spartan warriors may still have human limitations but with professionally managed zaps there will never be lack of progress thanks again in part because Zapier works tirelessly like gladiators battling away making sure nothing gets overlooked except enemies...of tediousness that is!

So don't hesitate any longer; ditch those manual transferring days and watch customer interactions effortlessly fire away faster than ever before – leave all the heavy lifting (in terms of work that is)to Zapier so you don't miss out on potential opportunities due improper coordination among devices (queue thunder clap). So take control of your automated endeavors today!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Automatically switch data between multiple cloud applications: Zapier gives you the power to quickly and effortlessly integrate your favorite business apps such as Slack, Gmail, Google Calendar, HubSpot or Salesforce with just a few clicks. With this easy-to-use solution you can keep all the important bits of informtion synchronised between systems and reduce manual data entry times.
  2. Automate frequent tasks for improved productivity: Bring your processes up to speed by automating recurring workflows and chores with Zapier. It allows you to streamline tedious procedures like processing orders from marketplaces or sending welcome emails after form submissions so that you can refocus on delivering value faster.
  3. Create powerful actions when particular events occur: With Trigger & Action sets it is effortless to create automated rules that initiate specific activities when predefined conditions are met - no coding needed! For example, if someone posts a new tweet mentioning your company's hashtag then automatically send them an e-book or respond with an auto reply message indicating gratitude for their interst in your service/product offering.
Zapier helps busy bees become more productive by automating countless tedious tasks and making it easier than ever before to transfer data between multiple cloud applications.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Automatically trigger email notifications when a task is completed with Zapier
  2. Automate customer service emails directly from your CRM with the help of Zapier
  3. Stay organized by syncing contact details across different applications with Zapier's automation tool  
  4. Streamline workflows between programs and platforms using custom-built Zaps
  5. Create automated surveys on websites or apps using Zapier
  6. Consolidate all contacts in one place and keep them updated without any manual labor thanks to Zapier integrations .
  7. Fetch internal data from multiple systems and forward it to a shared system instantly through their automation feature
  8. Leverage the power of automating repetitive data entry tasks to reduce paperwork time for staff with Zaps built for that purpose .
  9. Get timely notifications regarding new orders, updates, and emails from customers via automated zaps set up on Zapier .
  10. Receive real-time insights with reports based off data consolidated by automation setup through the use of Zapier

The evolution of 



Zapier has revolutionized the automation industry since its inception. What began as a concept to put mundane tasks on autopilot quickly turned into a vibrant start-up that makes life and work easier all over the world. By connecting apps like Salesforce, Slack and Twitter with each other, it enables users to do more in less time.

Since 2012 when Zapier was founded, it's grown by leaps and bounds. It now boasts millions of users who have automated hundreds of thousands of workflows every month. As well as taking out tedious manual processes from daily activities, it also reduces the tedium of transferring data between different platforms. This is especially useful for teams that collaborate across multiple devices throughout their working day: Zapier can sync up these interactions without requiring them to manually keep track.

The future looks bright for this skyrocketing company: recently Zapier announced multi-step Zaps—an upgraded feature allowing users to create longer automations that don't just run on one trigger—and more investments from different VCs (Venture Capitals). These will help expand their reach even further and provide customers with robust solutions for their own unique needs.

Apart from tapping into new opportunities and functionality upgrades, Zapier is actively involved in giving back to their community by offering free plans – so individuals or businesses wanting the same tech benefits may enjoy them too! They're clearly here to stay, changing up how things are done while making everyday tasks easier than ever before – no wonder why they've been so successful!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Zapier automates hundreds of tedious work tasks each day, freeing up more than 18 million hours for users annually.
  2. By streamlining workflow processes and accelerating manual labor tasks, Zapier eliminates an average of 3.5 hours per week in extra work time.
  3. Nearly 50,000+ businesses to date have discovered faster ways to get their jobs done with just a few clicks thanks to automation powered by Zapier's platform.  
  4. Between 2-20 minutes can be saved on every task when using Zapier's automated solutions, meaning even spartans and gladiators would've had those precious moments back to stay sharp or battle harder if they'd been able to access this technology!
  5. Every three seconds Zapier performs an automated task for over 110 industries that serviced customers around the world—from freelancers all the way up to Enterprises like Microsoft and Disney!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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