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🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Unlock Word-of-Mouth Power: Lead Gen Strategies 2020+

Word-of-mouth is an effective way to generate leads. Its benefits include increased trust and credibility, higher conversion rates, and a wider reach. Learn about Word-of-mouth to maximize lead generation!

Word-of-mouth Lead Benefits

What is 


Word-of-mouth is an invaluable form of lead generation. In essence, it’s customer recommendations creating a buzz through the power of word and sharing. These can be in conversations held between friends and family or over social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

In simple terms, word-of-mouth can qualify as anything that customers are talking about when they mention a product or service to anyone else. It’s much more than what others hear on TV ads or read on flyers – humans have always used story telling as an important part of culture, connecting people with each other for various reasons: that’s precisely what consumer-generated content does for your business.  

People are way more likely to trust the feedback from a peer rather than following mass marketing campaigns given its credibility and authenticity; this is why businesses should care about getting positive testimonials! Creating engaging experiences for your audience and delivering products, services and value beyond expectation will bring forth all kinds of raves – from likes (and hearts) on social media sites like Instagram to reviews left at trusted websites.

This type of organic growth has no comparison when it comes down to acquiring new leads ,as consumers tend to respond better to impressions shared by those they know, instead of contrived adverting efforts thrust upon them by brands. Word-of-mouth encompass situations where potential customers become aware of you voluntarily without any prospects involved – similar ‘battles’ that spartans could wage far exceed gladiators performance in terms of appeal, durability and reach: if done right everyone's happy!

So… yes, there certainly something intangible yet irresistible when acquaintances recommending us products/services because they really suspect we would enjoy them! That alchemy needs to be taken into consideration by modern business models who rely so heavily on digital marketing strategies but lack alternative ways to create a permanent gap between their offer(ings) versus those from competitors…  

Finally, success starts here - researching thoroughly how customers think about their brand makes possible incredible opportunities in order unlock powerful insights during early stages and avoid unnecessary trouble down the line . Proactive results enable starting conversations that grow exponentially into serious sales generators... Power longterm relationships via fans loyalty by having good old 'word-of-mouth' as one means amongst many used within customer engagement methods suites intended for lifetime journey optimization!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Leverage Social Proof: Provide customers with an incentive to refer your bussiness and let them share their experiences on social media, as this can help generate more leads.
  2. Solicit Referrals: Create a referral program to encouarge existing customers to spread the word about your product or service. Bonus points if you offer referral rewards!
  3. Join Professional Networks: Attending relevant trade shows, conferences and industry events can help you build relationships with potential clients who may be intereseted in what your offering.
Word-of-mouth is still one of the most powerful forms of lead generation today, allowing businesses to reap the rewards from engaged loyal customers through recommendations, social media buzz and influencer campaigns.

Other relevant use cases

  1. User-generated content on social networks
  2. Reviews and referrals from previous customers
  3. Family, friends and peers recommending a business
  4. Passing a company's info along through messaging apps
  5. Reports in the news media about the company
  6. Comments made on blogs by domain experts
  7. Referrals exchanged among existing customers
  8. Testimonials vouching for product performance
  9. Retweets of positive experiences shared online
  10. Connections engaging with brand stories

The evolution of 



Word-of-Mouth, or WOM for short, is a type of lead generation strategy that has been around since the early days of marketing. It involves people recommending services and products to one another – word getting out about a company through friends, family members, colleagues etc. It’s no wonder it has emerged as an integral part of modern day success; after all we trust our closest circles more than anyone else.

The evolution of Word-of-Mouth has been tremendous over the years. Originally restricted to face-to-face conversations amongst individuals, technology advancements have given brands access to much larger target audiences with digital tools like online reviews, blogs and social media platforms  allowing companies to leverage customer relationships even more effectively by tapping into multiples networks at once.  This was something unimaginable only two decades ago!

So what's next for Word-of-Mouth? We've seen the surge in influencer marketing campaigns with individual sponsorships directed towards those with large followings such as celebrities, bloggers and Instagram influencers helping them endorse their product or service. This can be very powerful because it allows marketers to reach highly targeted (and often vast!) audiences just in seconds – something never before possible in traditional styles of WOM advertising. Furthermore new technologies like artificial intelligence are ramping up automated recommendation engines which make personalized content based on customer behaviour increasingly efficient - increasing its potential far beyond what we felt was achievable previously.

Of course tho really understand if this is being effective it’s essential that customers feedback also comes into play both seamlessly integrated throughout every touch point so companies can listen and respond quickly while still offering value back to consumers who gave their opinion in the first place! In other words people must see tangible benefits from taking part or risk burning bridges forever rendering WOM irrelevant in today's market place.

That being said there’s no denying WMO has set itself apart from any other form of promotion – standing tall against radical changes within customer trends so clearly businesses will want to keep kicking things up a notch well beyond 2020!

Sweet facts & stats

  • 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family more than any other form of advertising.
  • Word-of-mouth is responsible for 13% of all lead generation efforts, with organic search making up the largest share at 49%.
  • About 67% of marketers identify word-of-mouth as their most successful form of marketing.
  • In terms of cost effectiveness, word-of-mouth channels are 5x more effective compared to traditional marketing methods such as radio or TV ads .
  • In a recent study, 64% reported hearing about services through word-of-mouth and 59% through online reviews (including Google/Yelp).
  • Passively listening can also help: choosing not to respond may be wise if you know your customer service interaction will result in negative public sentiment. According to research, 40 percent of customers avoid companies that have low ratings due to bad reviews.
  • Even those legendary Spartans used word of mouth—they traded battle stories around the campfire!

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