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🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Take Flight with Video Marketing: Strategies for Prime Results

Video marketing is an ever-growing tool that has no limits. It can be used to create brand awareness, increase sales and even educate customers. Learn about Video Marketing and how it can help your business reach its goals. With the right guidance, this powerful tool will unlock a world of opportunities for you!

Video Marketing: Sky Limitless

What is 

Video Marketing

Video marketing is a powerful tool that marketers use to reach their target market and promote their product or service. It's a great way to engage with potential customers and create an immersive experience that will spark conversations and increase brand recognition.

Simply put, video marketing involves combining visuals, audio, and animation as part of your overall marketing strategy. This might include creating videos for commercials, corporate announcements, webinars, training sessions, explainers or tutorials - anything related to promoting a company’s goods or services.

A successful video should be able to capture the audience’s attention within the first few seconds. To do this well requires creativity; it could involve playing up on contrasting visuals such as light vs dark colors or incorporating special effects like humor or clever texts into the video. The most important element is telling an effective story in order to drive home the message being conveyed by the video.

For those who want something more advanced than just getting their message out there , they can go even further with Video Marketing by using it as a platform to prove themselves worthy of attention in crowded markets with savvy audience members who are quick to get bored if they feel there’s nothing new being presented to them – imagine spartans entering an arena where gladiators reign! Marketers need then need to think beyond conventional methods and start embracing innovative approaches like interactive videos for unique content experiences that leave viewers wanting more every time!

This kind of dynamism works best when backed by good data-driven research that guides creative concepts towards developing stronger messaging and call-to-actions geared towards achieving business objectives . Not reliant on any one medium alone , Video Marketing's effectiveness grows exponentially when integrated with other digital tools such as social media channels (e.g Facebook/Instagram), email campaigns etc., allowing you tap into both niche & wider markets simultaneously while establishing better engagements online.

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Leverage YouTube for product reviews: Incorporate video reviews of your products into YouTube conversations, either through partnering with popular influencers or creating reviews from customers themselves. People are more likely to watch a review than read one, making this an effective and efficient way to market your bussiness.
  2. Utilize social media platforms: Video marketting on platforms like Instagram and Twitter give potential customers an exciting glimpse at what you offer that text-based posts simply can't match. Short videos featuring relevant content about the product along with visuals and sound can quickly convey important information about corporate values better than words alone ever could.
  3. Engage viewers through live streaming: Create multiple buzzworthy experiences by live-streaming events such as grand openings, special announcements, or big sales launches to create a larger reach while still interacting directly with your audience in real time similar to traditional television commercials.
Video marketing is a powerful tool to engage potential customers and increase brand awareness that involves creative storytelling, data-driven research and integration of digital platforms like social media.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Animated explainer videos
  2. Viral video campaigns
  3. Corporate and Brand Videos
  4. Case studies & Testimonial Videos
  5. Webinar recordings
  6. Tutorial videos and demonstrations
  7. Product promotional videos  
  8. Live streaming events & announcements
  9. 360° VR/AR Videos for immersive experiences
  10. Interactive video content for a better user experience

The evolution of 

Video Marketing

Video Marketing

The origins of video marketing can be traced back to the early days of television commercials in the 1950s. It was then that companies recognized the power of visuals to promote a brand or product, and it has been rapidly growing ever since. Social media platforms have turbo-charged the development of this powerful tool for content creators, allowing them to reach more audiences than ever before.

In its simplest form, video marketing involves creating promotional videos that a business shares through social media sites, websites and other digital platforms in an effort to increase brand awareness and engagement -- but there’s much more to it than that. To effectively market via video you need good storytelling skills, great technical know-how as well as knowledge on how best to use tools available like YouTube Analytics or even Facebook Ads Manager.

Over time, marketers have used advancements in technology such as emerging streaming services – not only for promotional purposes but also to get creative with their campaigns and create content specifically tailored for each platform. Nowadays interactive videos featuring polls, gamification elements or real-time feedback from viewers make engaging with products easier than ever before - turning these types of experiences into a true art form!

What’s more remarkable is the fact that even while constantly expanding both technically and strategically-- making sure they keep up with customer expectations---all those involved in video marketing don't lose sight of what ultimately matters: creating meaningful personal connections between brands and consumers alike. After all, studies show that 94% of people who watched videos about products bought them later on online compared with approximately 70% who found out through articles or stories written by journalists! This testament speaks volumes about where we are headed regarding this type of visual experience industry which shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.

It's safe to say that when it comes to video marketing, sky is indeed the limit; so whatever approach you chose—just spread your wings and enjoy the ride aloft!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Over 90% of marketers say video gives them a positive ROI.
  2. Over 30 million people watch online videos every day in the US alone.
  3. Over 60% of businesses are now using video as part of their online marketing strategies, compared to 28% in 2017.
  4. Video marketing tends to get more engagement than other types of content such as text or photos on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  5. On average, viewers retain 95% of the message from watching a video compared to 10% from reading it in text format.
  6. Almost 75 percent of viewers have interacted with a brand after watching one of their videos on social media platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo.
  7. Including videos on landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%.  
  8. Watching an explainer video is proven to increase purchase intent by 97%.  ​  
  9. Legend has it that ancient spartans used video marketing tactics over 2000 years ago when they ordered slaves to perform skits inside the city walls while they were away at war — talking about staying ahead of the curve!

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