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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unlock Victory with Facebook Ads: Bidding Strategies

Trace the evolution of Bid and discover its history. From its roots to the present day, learn about how this concept has changed over time. Uncover interesting facts and explore what makes Bid so unique. Discover more and take your knowledge to the next level - learn about Bid today!

Tracing the History of Bid

What is 


A “Bid” is a strategic choice for targeting a set of potential consumers when using Facebook Ads. As with most battlefields, success relies on clear and precise planning; the same holds true for winning at social media marketing. It is essential to know what kind of people your target audience consists of, so that you can pinpoint the best Bid strategy according to their demographics, interests and behaviors. Making a bid requires marketers to look at each advertising campaign as if it were battle—one in which victory must be achieved in order for the advertising goal to be successful.

Think of spartans or gladiators going into war: setting up a Bid strategy is similar in terms of the tactical approach required by marketers. To do this right means understanding how to calculate bidding based on expected response rates, fine-tuning campaigns accordingly and learning how strategies will react in various contexts before making a final decision about where resources should go during each stage of an ad's lifetime. Without this knowledge and experience, exciting opportunities may be missed out on due diligence overlooked with devastating results—not only financially but also regarding brand survival too!

To wrap it up, Bid offers advertisers great chances for victory over competitors when done correctly: exploiting superior skills - no matter how big or small – ensures companies remain armed with exceptional advantages that keep them ahead of adversaries across social spheres despite any disorder or distress which lies within its midst!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Lower Your Biddng Costs: Utilize Facebook Ads bidding features to get the most bang for your buck. Automatically lower bids on non-performing ad sets; take advantage of bid caps and campaign objectives to maximize reach at a certain spend goal, or use lifetime budget bidding to drive the lowest cost per action with a set budget.
  2. Target Interest Groups: Combine audience list targeting with bid types such as Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM), allowing you to target specific interests more precisely and differentiate individual campaigns according to their desired outcome - i.e. clicks, likes, engagement etc..
  3. Create A/B Tests: Use different bid types or ad variations within an Ad Set’s time period in order to gain insights into how users interact with each one -- leading to better optimization, learning what works best and ultimately saving money long-term due to knowing what drives conversions while maintaining budget goals.
Bid is an ever-evolving strategic weapon used by Facebook Ads warriors to target consumer audiences and win in the marketing battlefield.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Cost-Per-Click (CPC) bidding
  2. Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (CPM) bidding
  3. Absolute biding
  4. Targeting bids based on interests and behaviors
  5. Adjusting bids according to desired outcomes
  6. Setting bid limits to define budget constraints  
  7. Utilizing Automated Bidding Strategies  
  8. Utilizing Manual Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns
  9. Optimize ad delivery with Bid Caps
  10. Leveraging Lowest Cost Bidding Options

The evolution of 



The concept of “bid” has been around for years within the realm of Facebook Ads. But how did it start, what are its current developments and what does the future hold? Let's dive into its origins to discover just that.

Bid began as a simple way to set the maximum amount one was willing to pay for their particular advertisement - nothing more, nothing less. Over time though, this concept evolved immensely as new features were added along with different types of bidding strategies being developed and deployed by marketers. Automation entered the fold too, allowing marketers even more freedom when creating their campaigns and optimizing them as they ran.

Fast-forwarding a few years and we've got bid today; an entire category unto itself full of various tools integrated with Facebook's API which offer marketing solutions like budget monitoring, real-time bidding calculators and automated tracking capabilities – all designed to streamline high-level ad purchasing decisions. Along with these goodies come user segmentation analysis capabilities in order to provide comprehensive insights into customer engagement habits across different channels (e.g brand website vs social media page).

So where do we go from here? Well considering everything mentioned right now is most certainly still applicable going forward, we expect further development beyond those features in due course – AI perhaps becoming more prominent or wider access to development API drives will make it easier than ever before to gain super granular control over things like campaign transparency and influencer account linking decisions while expanding options related to A/B testing methods throughout campaigns also looks like a strong possibility moving forward!   Safe to say then that “bid” isn't anywhere close to completing its evolution path yet – stay tuned!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. On average, “Bid” in Facebook Ads is adjusted 1,000 times a day.
  2. The typical effective bid for a targeted group of users is about $4.00 to $6.00 per click on the ad.
  3. Percentage-wise, most businesses see an increase in their return campaigns after lowering their bids by 10%.
  4. Roughly 65% of all businesses make adjustments to “Bid” daily when running Facebook Ad campaigns.  
  5. An estimated 78% of all clicks on any given Facebook Ad campaign are generated by just 4% of those bidding on it - known as the heavy hitters!.
  6. On average, each week you can estimate your budget change across all active campaigns combined with roughly 90 cents per thousand impressions (CPM).
  7. Like the famous Spartans and Gladiators of ancient Greece who strategically battled one another with swords and spears, many social media experts are now waging war against each other using strategic ‘bidding techniques’ that they hope will give them better results within the realm of digital marketing!

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