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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Gladiator of Customer Exp.: Leveraging Ticketing in CRM

Ticketing system is revolutionizing customer relationships. It provides an efficient way to manage customer queries and complaints, allowing businesses to quickly respond and resolve issues. With this technology, companies can build better relationships with their customers by providing personalized support. Learn about Ticketing System today!


Ticketing System Revolution

What is 

Ticketing System

A ticketing system, in the context of customer relationship management (CRM), is a way for organizations and businesses to track and respond to customer inquiries. It is an automated process which helps businesses manage inquiries from customers in an organized manner, ensuring that no inquiry goes unnoticed or falls through the cracks.

Think of a ticketing system as your company's personal gladiator - it responds quickly and efficiently, never losing sight of customer satisfaction in battle. This powerful tool can take any concern or inquiry and provide problemsolving solutions while keeping efficiency high. A ticketing system will tackle customer inquiries as soon as they arrive and classify them according to priority levels so every issue can be addressed with precision.

For example, if you encounter a heavy influx of complaints from customers about certain product features, a well-designed CRM ticketing software allows you to segment these issues into various tags so that managers may effectively keep track of every specific case. This facilitates service teams when addressing complex issues – instead of having countless emails that need to be reviewed one by one manually, everything is structured automatically within the CRM ticketing platform making problemsolving less time consuming and more efficient all round.

Using a ticketing system makes responding to customer requests easier than ever before; business owners can rest assured that knowledge on how their customers interact with their products is gathered in meaningful ways while giving customers what they want most: lightning fast responses! By being accessible online 24/7 consumers are able to access help whenever needed without worrying whether or not someone will answer their questions promptly after submitting it via email or phone call – this type of systematic structure gives them confidence knowing their queries won't go unanswered only then for further hassles such as navigating complicated menus before finding service representatives who can help them.  

In short, the addition of a good quality ticketing system integrated into your CRM allows companies to stay ahead when keeping tabs on customers’ needs - helping them maintain quality relationships with clients at all times no matter what obstacle arises!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Provide Automated Lead Tracking: A ticketig system integrated into your CRM system gives you the ability to automatically capture, track, and organize all incoming leads in one place. You can quickly and easily segment those leads so your salespeople can follow up with them more efficiently.
  2. Monitor & Assign Issues In Real-Time: By having a ticketing system synced with your CRM, you will be able to monitor customer issues and assign tickets accordingly in real-time—without needing to switch between different systems or apps every few minutes. This helps maximize productivity and speed up problem resolution times for customers.
  3. Gather Feedback & Insights Quickly: Using a ticketing system within your CRM allows you to collect feedback from customers easily, which is essential for measuring the success of any marketing campaign or product launch. It also provides comprehesive insights into customer journey, satisfaction levels, and overall performance metrics that allow you to adjust strategies as needed for better results in the future.
A ticketing system integrated into a CRM software is an invaluable tool that helps businesses provide stellar customer service and efficient problem-solving solutions quickly.

Other relevant use cases

  1. HelpDesk CRM Ticketing System
  2. Zendesk Service Desk Platform
  3. Intercom's Customer Support Automation Software
  4. JIRA Service Desk Toolkit
  5. Freshdesk Project & Issue Tracking Center
  6. Kayako User Support Management Manager
  7. ZenPulse Workflow Automator
  8. PromptCloud’s Multi-Channel Contact & Task Logger
  9. ConnectWise Advanced Online Ticket Manager
  10. TeamSupport Cloud Based Collaboration Hub

The evolution of 

Ticketing System

Ticketing System

The ticketing system has come a long way since its inception in the world of customer relationship management (CRM). The automated process of tracking customer's inquiries, complaints and requests was nothing more than a concept back then. However, as time passed, this concept blossomed into an invaluable tool that is used extensively worldwide by companies wanting to provide their customers with better service.

It all started as an idea with technological advancements allowing for computerised recording-keeping. Soon after came online helpdesks which enabled users to access support information quickly and conveniently using their computers or phones. From here evolved ticketing systems which automate and manage communication between customers and employees while providing portals where they can easily access relevant information at all times. Such systems serve as the bridge between businesses and customers by logging all incoming sales calls, support emails, product feedback sessions etc., in one place while also helping organisations to track tasks efficiently across departments.

Amidst rising complexities within various industries comes call for revolutionary approaches when it comes to managing customer relations - all whilst staying agile & adaptive every step of their journey – so bridging potential gaps before they materialise seems set to be first line of task list when it comes optimising overall experience curves stakeholders foresee out there very soon!

Needless to say that Ticketing System sure appears poised in delivering proactively around same!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. 78% of organizations have adopted ticket-based customer support instead of the traditional inbound call process.
  2. Ticketing system integration into CRM can increase efficiency levels by up to 60%.
  3. Automating responses to customer feedback can reduce response time by 59%.
  4. Since 2017, companies using a ticketing system in their CRM have seen an average decrease of 8% in mean resolution time compared to those who do not use it.
  5. In spite of that, only 36% of companies are taking full advantage of a ticketing system within their CRM software environment.
  6. Spartan warriors could manage a team's workflow with paper tickets, completing tasks in half the time it took ancient Gladiators using typewriters and sticky notes!

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