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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Harnessing Tags in CRM Strategy: Mighty but Small

Tags is a powerful tool for CRM. It helps you to create, organize and manage customer information in one place. With Tags, you can easily access all your contacts' data quickly and efficiently. Learn about Tags today and discover how it can help improve your business operations!

Tags: Power Tool CRM

What is 


An often overlooked but vital component of any successful CRM strategy are “Tags”. But what exactly are they and why should your business care? Put simply, Tags can be thought of as labels or identifiers in a database that provide a way to track and monitor customer behaviour or events. For instance, tagging a customer after their birthday or using tags for discounts and offers.

Think of Tags like Spartan warriors - small, powerful, and disciplined all at the same time. We think it’d be hard to find another tool with such strength-to-size ratio!  In terms of implementation they're more straight forward than one might expect; Tagging is easy to do since most experienced CRM users will already be familiar with SQL query language which is how many large databases work - including those used by CRMs. With knowledge of SQL syntax anybody can handle complex reports quickly & easily meaning you don't have to call in 3rd parties for assistance when implementing new campaigns & strategies

With user segmentation becoming increasingly important ,Tags allow you create smaller target groups from larger datasets so you can keep your focus sharp rather than trying aimlessly target everybody all at once without knowing your audience . Plus, Tags also make it easier for data scientists & analysts working in spreadsheet software (like Microsoft Excel) because now there's one shared registered database on each project that's easier to manage due to fewer redundant files sharing duplicate, outdated information being passed around by email causing extra work all round.  

In summary then Tags are an essential part of any effective campaign able to identify customers & events on the fly enabling targeted marketing plans in short order making them a versatile addition no company should overlook if they want their campaigns firing on all cylinders!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Automating Lead Tagging: To ensure that automated workflows and processes in your CRN are operated more efficiently, use tags to identify different types of leads such as specific demographics, industry type or size. This will help you better target your campaigns and maximize conversions.
  2. Managing Nurturing Series: Use tags to group potential customers by stage in the customer journey such as awareness, interest, consideration or purchase. You can then target them with relevant content at each step of their journey throughout the entire sales process.
  3. Data Profiling and Insights: Utilize tagging to track website behavior data such as clicks on a landing page link or product pages viewed during an online session on your website which can provide deep insights into how visitors interact with your website’s content. From this data, you can gain useful insights regarding customer interests or preferences that could be used to drive sales growth strategies in the future.
Tag technology has evolved from simple labels and sorting data to offer powerful solutions that help businesses automate workflows, manage delicate internal affairs, customize customer experiences, and gain insight into user behaviour.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Gender Tags
  2. Location Tags
  3. Age Group Tags
  4. Interests/Hobbies Tags
  5. Price Preference Tags
  6. Shopping Habits Tags
  7. Web Visit Time Tags
  8. Purchase Frequency Tags
  9. Loyalty Program Member Tags
  10. Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations Tag

The evolution of 



Tags have been around for quite some time now when it comes to CRM (Customer Relationship Management). But their humble beginnings started out with a more basic purpose, and have since evolved into powerful tools that help companies automate workflows and gain new customers.

It all began as simple labels within customer records, helping streamline administrative processes like sorting data or creating workflows. Over time these “labels” became increasingly sophisticated, being able to recognize individual customer profiles and measure activity on shared projects. They gave customers an experience similar to what we expect out of modern CRM systems today – a single point of contact where they can get the most with the least effort.

As tagging technology continued its growth in popularity, so too did its presence across different industries seemlessy intertwining with marketing teams and practically every department involved in doing business online. Today this technology is embedded into practically everything, offering solutions ranging from automated billing procedures to detailed personalization strategies, allowing businesses of all sizes to keep up with trends faster then ever before while still maintaining focus on only the most important tasks at hand.

In fact tagging has become such an integral part of CRM that many services are starting to include features specifically designed for managing tag-based rules and operations within multiple departments simultaneously! This process not only makes work more efficient but also allows companies to manage delicate internal affairs without having to worry about falling behind due other commitments taking priority one organization over another.  

Going forward you can expect tagging current available functions will expand even further as people continue looking for optimized ways staying ahead both professionally and personally in our increasingly digital world!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Over 80% of CRMs provide the ability to tag records for easy categorization.
  2. More than 62% of businesses use tags in their CRM to organize information and drive efficiency.
  3. Tags can be used to easily group data into categories, making it easier to search specific information from large datasets quickly.
  4. According to one survey, over 89% of sales teams make heavy usage of customer tags when managing customer relations.
  5. The average amount of time saved managing customer relationships using custom tags is estimated at 30 minutes per day per employee using CRM software with tagging capabilities.
  6. Research shows that businesses save up to 75 hours on every project they manage by utilizing tagging features in their CRM system as opposed to manual workflows without them.
  7. Studies suggest that effective tagging leads to a 26% increase in overall data accuracy among user groups within an organization's customer relationship management system compared to those working without proper tags attached Groupings across users and projects tend  lead additional 3-5 point improvements in accuracy after applying the right labels across all silos involved with a given launch or release 8 Ongoing studies also indicate gladiators and spartans tended towards more sophisticated tagging methods for tracking prey – with colorful ribbons adorning headgear – long before modern CRMs ever seen the light of day!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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