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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Social Media Mktg: Winning Lead Gen Battle

Social media marketing can be an incredibly powerful tool to generate leads. With the right strategy, businesses can reach a larger audience and increase their customer base. To make the most of this potential, it's important to understand how best to use social media platforms for lead generation. Learn about Social media marketing today and start leveraging its power for your business!

Social Media Marketing Leads

What is 

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the process of growing an audience and creating connections with people, businesses and brands through online platforms. It's a form of lead generation which means it helps to get more prospects or customers within a specific target group. Think of social media as a battlefield - the goal is to fight for the attention of the right people who come along and attract them to your side by providing relevant content such as videos, articles, messengers, promotions and more.

It involves building relationships with different stakeholders including prospective customers, brand advocates and influencers in order to make you stand out in front of your competitors. Social media marketing entails knowing what type of content resonates best with each specific audience so that it will eventually draw their interests towards your product or service rather than away from it. It takes effort to remain up-to-date with recent trends so that you can ensure your posts are ahead in terms compare it to what’s popping on other channels - this includes understanding how users interact across all platforms before jumping into every single one blindly (we still love you IG).

Given its broad scope, “social media marketing” encompasses activities like blog postings, Ad campaigns (e g Facebook Ads), video creation & live streaming etc - these all serve as powerful tools in getting the word out there about who you are and what products / services that you offer which then leads to customer acquisition & sales conversion success over time. All this requires strategy & analysis; think Sparta -you need warriors who have a game plan when going into battle given their resources & expectations (I don't mean literally!)  . You must constantly search for ways can stay top-of-mind among your followers among others too! You'll need an effective way of presenting yourself consistently day after day be successfully able track successes back your efforts.. The end result? Building brand loyalty turning operations one step closer profitability!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Leverage organic content to boost brand reach and engagement: Increase customer interactions and build relationships with prospects by creating and sharing engaging, on-brand content such as educational webinars and informative blog post. Use relevant keywords when publishing to increase visibility in search engine results and attract visitors organically.
  2. Promote ads targeted at lead buyers: Connect with users who are likely to be interested in what you offer through digital advertising campaigns like LinkedIn Sponsored Updates or Facebook Ads targeting specific audiences - segmented by gender, location, occupation etc. Optimize budgets and refine messaging based on response data collected during the proces.
  3. Utilize influencers for top-of-the funnel awareness: Partnering with micro-influencers, related blogs, podcasts or social media expert can help spread word about your company’s products or services among a relevant customer base that may have not been exposed previously. Make sure to specify clear goals from the collaboration upfront and establish metrics that will measure success of each campaign from a lead generatin point of view.
Social media marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with and engage their target customers, building relationships that lead to increased conversions.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Creating engaging and persuasive content
  2. Promoting special offers and discounts
  3. Adopting targeted & personalized Ads
  4. Engaging with users via interactive polls, surveys, stories etc
  5. Optimizing channels for maximum reach
  6. Developing attractive influencer campaigns
  7. Gathering user reviews/testimonials
  8. Growing email list subscribers through social media conversions
  9. Hosting webinars to drive sales leads
  10. Conducting creative contests to capture leads

The evolution of 

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has come a long way since its inception as a tool for facilitating lead generation. In the beginning, users of social platforms such as Myspace and ICQ used them mainly to keep in touch with friends, but it soon became apparent that these networks could also be used to build relationships and find potential leads. Over time, more sophisticated online campaigns have evolved with marketers leveraging social channels to generate leads through targeted ads or viral campaigns.

These days, “Social media marketing” is one of the most powerful strategies when it comes to connecting businesses with customers. Companies are constantly coming up with new ways to use this form of communication; from using subtle branding techniques to creating engaging content that helps convert followers into leads or sales. It's clear that there is still much potential for “Social media marketing” as a lead generation tool, because it allows businesses to establish and nurture relationships with their audiences on an intimate level - something traditional means can't do.

Recent advances in technology like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have opened the door for even more creative ways for companies to use “Social media marketing”. Automated posts and chatbots allow marketers to deliver personalized messages quickly, while tracking algorithms give them insights into which messages are resonating most deeply with their target demographic. These tools make it possible for companies to gather data about their audience’s habits before making decisions about what kind of content will pique their interest or bring them closer towards conversion; allowing brands optimize their efforts like never before..

As we move forward into 2020 and beyond, no doubt “Social media marketing” will continue changing the way companies interact and connect with consumers across the globe — resulting in ever-expanding opportunities for generating valuable leads that can eventually turn into loyal customers who spread word of mouth advertising so important today. So if you're looking for innovative methods towards lead generation that leverages current technologies at maximum efficiency, you definitely won't want overlook this powerful asset!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Social media marketing generates double the leads from organic search than outbound marketing does.
  2. Around 68% of B2B marketers use social media as an approach to lead generation, while 76% see website visits coming through social media referrals.
  3. In 2019, businesses with active Facebook pages saw an average of 2.8X more website traffic and 3X more engagement on their posts compared to those without active Facebook pages.
  4. 63% of companies agree that generating quality leads has been their greatest challenge in social media marketing campaigns aimed at gaining leads.
  5. Companies found that 78% of high-performing sales teams see LinkedIn as a valuable tool for finding new leads, while only 48% of lower-performing sales reps had the same sentiment about this platform .
  6. A whopping 91 percent of consumers are at least somewhat likelyto follow a brand on Twitter, making it one of the strongest networks for lead generations if utilized correctly..
  7. Apparently, Spartans could generate a lead in less than 10 minutes flat!

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