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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Lead Gen Strategies: Unlocking Opportunities

Sales lead revolutionized transformations have changed the way businesses operate. Companies now have access to powerful tools and strategies that allow them to capture, nurture and convert leads into customers. Learn about Sales lead today to take advantage of these new opportunities!

Sales Lead Revolutionized Transformations

What is 

Sales Lead

A sales lead is an individual or organization that has expressed interest in a product or service. In lead generation, this interest may come from online research, offline networking activities and conversions from marketing efforts. The person or company who might have only mentioned the product as part of an inquiry but never actually bought it yet also counts as a sales lead.

It’s up to the marketer to take that potential customer down the “sales funnel” and convert them into paying customers. It’s like entering the Coliseum with gladiators on opposite sides ready to battle for your attention – getting leads isn’t easy but when done right the rewards are sweet! Marketers must find ways to engage these new prospects in conversations with their companies so they can guide them through the buying experience until they make a purchase decision.

Early stages of lead acquisition often involve screening both potential clients and long-term customers by collecting detailed information about their needs, behaviors and interests such as demographic data, geographic area, industry segmentation etc. That collected information allows businesses to identify which targets match more closely their ideal set of buyers. Once identified, marketers should start building relationships with those qualified leads by targeting them directly with appropriate mix of communication channels…and ultimately work towards converting those potentially interested people into actual paying customers for their products or services.

In summary, a sales lead is somebody who expresses an interest in what you provide - whether it be business-related goods/services or something more recreational - without making a definitive purchase just yet. With skilled salesfolk leading the charge and creative strategies developed around compelling content creation practices designed especially for each targeted audience…businesses all over can ensure greater success across multiple channels searching out gold-standard leads while giving all party involved an enjoyable wingding!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Creating lead magnets - Offer custimized white papers, e-books, newsletters or other content related to your company to generate leads in exchange for contact information.  
  2. Collecting web visitor data - Monitor visitors’ online activity and distinguish areas of highest interest to turn those visitors into sales leads with targeted calls-to-action (CTAs).
  3. Generating contacts from social media campaigns - Familiarize yourself with the networks your potential customers use and establish an active presence on them: post promotional images and videos, start conversations with users and ask questions. Engagment that can produce qualified leads from potential buyers is the end result of these efforts.
Lead generation is the process of converting potential customers into paying ones, utilizing creative strategies like customised content creation and targeted marketing campaigns.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Prospective customers searching online for solutions
  2. Referrals from current customers or partners
  3. Trade show attendees who signed up to receive more information
  4. Contact form on company website inquiries
  5. Visitors to a specific landing page on the website  
  6. Consumer reviews and ratings of products/services expressed online
  7. Online community members sharing relevant content  
  8. Webinar participants raising questions around a specific topic  
  9. Individuals in targeted campaigns opting in for additional communication through email or text message subscriptions  
  10. Social media followers responding positively about a certain product or promotion

The evolution of 

Sales Lead

Sales Lead

The concept of ‘sales lead’ goes way back to the times when marketers used phone calls, cold emails and word-of-mouth techniques to find prospects. But with digital transformation and technological advancements, businesses have shifted to generating leads online. Today, this process is more commonly known as lead generation. Since its inception, 'lead gen' has undergone a whirlwind of changes over the holidays that hardly resemble its original roots.

In the beginning stages of 'lead gen', simple databases were fueled by ineffective email lists compiled from buying experiences. Marketers deployed tactics like SEO ads focused mainly on keywords but failed to capture broader user interests or interests related to their business model. Relevant content was rarely created unless it was essential for maintaining a website presence or keeping up with blog subscriptions.

Over time, salespeople had better luck reaching out to qualified leads through improved marketing automation technologies and targeted social media marketing campaigns. Customised audience segments facilitated b2b lead formation based on specific criteria such as job capabilities and  company size-- which encouraged businesses to generate far more qualified opportunities than ever before. This generally resulted in an immensely successful spike in conversion rates – allowing them much easier access into newer markets that they wouldn't even have considered otherwise... until now!

With big data trends picking up steam, companies started delving deeper into consumer analytics and personalization strategies (hey there AI!). Machine learning capability drove intelligent data collection points; gathering information around consumer engagement trends so you could score each individual customer’s value & predict their propensity level for sale cycles . Nowadays enterprises invest heavily in automating behavioural features such as click tracking via sophisticated AB testing across several channels – all in an effort to qualify potential buyers with greater accuracy!

Lead gen' definitely seems poised for further revolutionizing transformations as innovative trends come forward: Creating new contextual ways for understanding headless web campaigns… establishing deep relationships between customers & personas… moulding lifestyle habits into predictive models … heck - who knows where we might end up? But the exciting part is seeing how technology can keep unlocking those doors wide open — whatever awaits us next should be bigger & better!

Sweet facts & stats

  • 80% of all sales come from just 20% of leads generated.
  • Nearly 70% of businesses say tracking and measuring the performance of their lead gen activities is a top challenge.
  • Only 27% of marketers prioritize lead generation in their campaigns.
  • 66% of B2B companies have not established clear KPIs for their lead gen initiatives.
  • The median cost per lead (CPL) in 2017 was $148, with 36% spending more than $300 per acquisition.
  • On average, it takes 108 days to close a sale after initial contact by a marketing-qualified lead (MQL).
  • Almost 56% never follow up on lost leads because they don’t know how or when to do it properly.  
  • This ancient Spartan saying means “Lead Generation is Tactical: Fail to practice proper tactics and you’re sure to fail!”

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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