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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Gladiators of Lead Gen: Winning with PPC Ads

PPC is an effective tool for lead generation. It helps businesses reach their target audience and generate leads quickly. Learn about PPC to understand how it can help you grow your business!

PPC Lead Gen Power

What is 


Pay-per-click (PPC) is a marketing strategy that has been taking the lead generation world by storm. This form of digital advertising uses an auction system where advertisers bid on keywords to trigger their ads and are only charged when someone clicks on the ad. It can be thought of as a gladiator ready to spar, fighting for top positioning on search engines and other webpages.

The aim of PPC is simple: put your online advertisement in front of highly targeted, intent rich audiences who want or need your product or service. You pay a single flat fee per click which makes it much easier to calculate the cost efficacy of campaigns than say placement based solutions such as billboard advertisements. The tools available to marketers keep getting better enabling more sophisticated segmentation and competitive analysis strategies compared to ever before. All this to ensure highest possible ROI from these campaigns over time through intensely monitored user activities.

When done correctly, PPC leads offer immediate visibility with guaranteed exposure regardless of organic rankings; something no other platform can provide! Constant measurement and testing is essential for effective lead generation because insights about market forces gained through analytics help optimize account performance over time - saving tons of money too! High quality score scores mean lower CPC with higher CTRs which increase conversions – leading you one step closer towards reaching your business goals faster than any other channel out there.

In conclusion, PPC or pay-per-click offers utmost efficiency without compromising on success offering everyone spartan convenience at an advantage while they battle their way up in the digital marketing universe!

How you can leverage it in your business

Targeting competitors' branded keywords with PPC: Leverage keyword research to identify which of your competition's terms might yield the most leads. With PPC you can use this insight to target people who have already gone looking for that particular brand, reaching a more qualified audiance. Moreover, since branded keywords provide an indication of future purchase intensions they are often very profitable when it comes to lead generation.

Retargeting previously engaged website visitors using PPC: Often website visitors may show interest in your product or service offering but not take any action such as signing up for an email list or making a purchase. With retargeting, you can stay top-of-mind for these potential customers and remind them about what offers you may have that are relevant to their needs by delivering targeted ads on other websites visited after leaving yours.

Utilizing location targeting with PPC: Location targeting is becoming increasingly popular within the lead gen space due its ability to increase engagement and conversion rates among individuals searching within close proximities to products/locations of interest. By focusing campaigns on specific geographic locations marketers are better able to narrow down audiences to those closest by and likely interested in their offerings – like local businesses nearest a certain restaurant outlet – leading to greater efficiency from both an investment standpoint and overall ROI perspective!

Pay-per-click is the perfect weapon for beating digital marketing competition, as it gives marketers control over their campaigns and allows them to generate high-quality leads quickly.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Showcasing ads in Paid Search campaigns
  2. Purchasing Google Ads for instant visibility
  3. Bidding on keywords in an auction format  
  4. Optimizing Quality Scores to get a lower cost-per-click
  5. Leveraging Content Network targeting for well-qualified leads
  6. Generating high click-through rates (CTR) with strong brand messaging  
  7. Utilizing remarketing strategies to remarket outcomes-qualifying leads  
  8. Tracking conversions, user activities and ROI metrics seamlessly  
  9. Using data observers and analytics to measure performance gains over time    
  10. Achieving fast results through PPC lead generation programs

The evolution of 



Pay-per-click (PPC) has been around for a while now and its application to lead generation is no exception! While PPC initially began as an ad-based model, it has evolved into one of the primary ways marketers use to capture leads.

To understand how this happened, we have to go back in time when websites would simply run graphical ads that users could click on if they liked what they saw. This gave rise to the concept of PPC – businesses only had to pay for those individual clicks instead of having an the entire ad showing all the time. Eventually, marketers embraced the idea since it allowed them to maximize their ROI from campaigns with nearly instant results.

The same core principles that made PPC profitable made it ideal for generating leads too: businesses can target prospective customers who search about their service or product and then monitor each interaction for success metrics like impressions and conversions. In addition, many platforms also allow advertisers further control over performance by setting budgets and geo-locating intended audiences on specific days or times.

By leveraging these capabilities, companies soon found out that effective PPC campaigns could be hugely successful at bringing warm leads into their website—or even directly into a sales funnel. Google Ads are probably the most notable example here due its sheer reach but there are other popular mediums like Facebook Ads and Bing Ads too; all of which have developed powerful tools allowing advertisers granular control over marketing spend using various models like cost per impression (CPM) or cost per acquisition (CPA).

So while not a new concept, today's iteration of "pay-per-click" has certainly come a long way since its humble beginnings; thanks largely in part to advancements in technology which make optimizing campaigns much easier than before. Both marketers and businesses stand to gain significantly if used correctly; so it’s likely no surprise why more folks are turning towards this approach as opposed to traditional advertising when aiming for lead gen success!

Sweet facts & stats

  • 54% of marketers said PPC was “very effective” in contributing to lead generation.
  • PPC delivers nearly 5 times higher click-through rate compared to organic search results.
  • 25% of leads generated by PPC platforms come from mobile devices.
  • The second highest source after organic search (37%) for leads is social media (26%).  
  • 93% of paid search traffic that clicks an ad will convert within a day as opposed to 70% from organic searches.
  • Studies show that customers who saw more than one advertisement were 10x more likely to take action than those who just saw one ad—making repetition and frequency key for your PPC efforts.
  • Compared to gladiators, spartans were twice as successful at generating leads through the use of their shields!

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