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See Decimus In Action 🚀

💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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About this test drive 👋
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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Arm Sales Team for Victory: Pipeline Tech History

Pipeline is a great way to streamline sales processes. It helps businesses automate and optimize their customer journey, from start to finish. With Pipeline, you can have more control over your sales process and keep up with the ever-changing demands of customers. Learn about Pipeline today and see how it can help improve your business's performance!

Pipeline: Streamlined Sales

What is 


A pipeline is the lifeblood of any sales team. It is a conduit for leads and possible customers, and serves as an organized method for tracking progress towards meeting your company's sales goals. The verb "to pipeline" means to prospect or contact potential clients in order to cultivate opportunities for selling goods or services.

Think of it like this - a modern day spartan with their shield held firm ready to take on whatever the market throws at them! Just like those champions of old, success requires relentless training, good strategy, and equipped soldiers all working together to win big battles up there on the front lines. The sales floor works no differently: managers are strategizing what needs to be accomplished and leading by example; savvy sellers employ smart tactics when dealing with prospects to stay ahead of competition; and reps keep track of their individual performance while also working together collaboratively and cohesively until every goal is met – successfully paving open the pipeline with deals and closing outsized opportunities along the way.

At a high level, pipelines represent each step from identification of potential customer prospects through conversion into paying customers who become loyal ambassadors for products or services sold. Each party (in some cases many intermediaries) provides multiple “touch points” that need evaluation for effectiveness during their individual transaction journey which then can significantly impact overall funnel health measurements such as conversion rate & time-to-close metrics among other key insights valuable to drive strategies going forward. A single stage within the business lifecycle may involve back-and-forth negotiation across various channels so cohesive monitoring of all parties involved ensuring objectives stay aligned is therefore critical throughout this entire process if closure is desired . These staying power will buttress persistence needed from start of deal understanding inquiry through complete dedication post sale in order for recurring business cycles thrive but alas as we know progresses never comes easy …luckily tools are available today providing invaluable data transparency & analytics helpful leverage over trends otherwise intercepted manually via human eye taking too long nor accurate enough when staffing resources limited thus able quickly recognize which required work items sift out higher priorities requiring attention most if goals set forth advance closer than anyone foresees could attain .

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Automating Data Collection: Using a pipelne, salse teams can quickly and accurately pull together data from multiple sources like CRMs, marketing databases, emails, surveys, and more. This allows for timely decisions on customer segments to target as well as faster updates of changes in customer journeys.
  2. Segmentation: By leveraging a pipelne process throughout the entire sales funnel, it’s easier to analyze customer data and discover purchase patterns which makes segmenting customers that much simpler. It also eliminates time wasted manually sorting through vast amounts of customer profiles or analytics.
  3. Accurate Forecasting: With an effective sales pipelne set up, companies can better determine future earning trends by analyzing existing metrics such as conversion rates, past performance and average sale value over certain periods of time across different segments or campaigns.
With its roots stretching back to ancient times, modern sales pipelines have evolved into powerful digital tools that can provide real-time insight into customer journeys and help close deals faster than ever.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Identifying potential customers
  2. Generating leads
  3. Qualifying leads
  4. Analyzing customer data
  5. Creating proposals and deals
  6. Building relationships with clients
  7. Closing or pitching sales offers
  8. Negotiating terms of agreement
  9. Following up on closed deals
  10. Outreach to loyal customers

The evolution of 



Pipeline has been around since sales processes began to be modernized and streamlined. It all started with a simple, but crucial concept: understanding where each customer is in the buying process at any given time. From this basic understanding of ”the status quo” came an idea to create some type of structure to help track important data associated with those statuses, leading to the term “pipeline.” Since then it has become an integral part of everyday sales operations across the world and continues to evolve as technology advances and customer needs change.

While pipeline may not have gained widespread recognition or notoriety until recently, its roots stretch far beyond that relatively short amount of time - originally manifesting itself as just another way for businesses and sales teams alike to keep better track of their leads. As pipelines were adapted by a larger base of organisations, however, they eventually grew into something much more – from tracking deals and understand customers' personalities over time, pipelines became powerful tools capable of providing real-time insights about virtually anything a customer wanted or needed–and these days that can range from keeping tabs on how fast a product sells through spotting cross-sell opportunities quickly and easily.

Fast forward to today and pipeline has gone digital — enabling businesses (and their sales reps!) with powerful end-to-end systems able to manage everything from initial contact info collection all the way through closing deals faster than ever before imagined possible. Sure there are variations depending on individual use cases here too, but pretty much any company looking for streamlined sales management can now find what they need without having to build something custom themselves — thanks entirely in large part to our highly evolved view on pipelines developed over decades prior!

In terms of what we might see come next in the realm of pipeline advancement, only time will tell; many are predicting integration capabilities along with deeper intelligence being brought into play down the line — allowing companies access even more comprehensive portfolio level insights within their own PSTs (or Pipeline Selling Technologies). Whether or not we're already seeing glimpses if that future remain debatable...but it's certainly something we'll continue tracking closely moving forward!

Sweet facts & stats

  • 46% of sales professionals report their pipeline visibility as never or rarely clear.
  • 92% of companies with a good handle on their sales pipelines are outselling their competitors.
  • 67% of salespeople in top-performing teams leverage a CRM for managing their pipelines.
  • 53% of deals lose against the competition due to inefficient pipeline management processes.
  • 71% of companies state that analyzing data from the pipeline helps them to win more deals and close faster.
  • A typical day’s work in the life of an average sales rep is spent dealing with funnel clogs, checking pipelines and updating customer records.
  • As far back as Ancient Sparta, many gladiators were incredible at executing lightning-fast closing techniques which saw them victorious over all their opponents – firmly planting them at the peak of a formidable sales pipeline!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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