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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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About this test drive 👋
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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unlock Messenger Ads Power: Privacy, Engagement & Intelligence

Tap into the power of Messenger Ads to reach your target audience and unlock their potential. With these ads, you can create unique experiences that draw customers in and drive conversions. Learn about Messenger Ads to see how they can help grow your business.

Messenger Ads: Unlock Potential

What is 

Messenger Ad

Messenger ad is a powerful tool for anyone making use of Facebook ads. It's an HTML-based feature that allows advertisers to send messages directly to people privately instead of publically on the social media platform. In other words, Messenger ad's allow you to reach out and speak one-on-one with potential customers without putting yourself at risk in a public arena.

Think of it as if running your own Spartan squad. With Messenger ads, you can gather intelligence (aka intel) on prospective customers by getting up close and personal while still maintaining distance as well as control over who and where you're targeting (no enemy inside your walls). This gives you back some of the power when it comes to competing with groups trying to win over the same audience — like gladiators battling for spectators' attention in an Coliseum match.

By leveraging this feature, advertisers are able create more personalized connections between businesses or brands and customers through private message exchanges or chatbots that feel much more natural than traditional Facebook posts or ads - classic crowd pleasers! The conversation often gets going even before someone touches their browser because it starts with a user choosing whether or not they want to respond - so brands often have the advantage of knowing users are already interested based on participation alone. You wouldn't fight blindfolded now would ya? Nahhhhh!!

Using messenger ads entices potential purchasers additionally through product offerings exclusive only available in messages powered by bots—a great way to captivate the eyeballs while maintaining their dignity—and let’s them learn about products within their comfortable environment rather than outside noisy arenas full o' annoyin' convo'. In fact, messenger ad performance regularly outperforms any other type of promotion its used with due its direct nature; 'cause really what good business doesn't look out for efficiency? It effectively takes real life conversations into digital space without compromising customer privacy despite residing on giant platforms like Facebook.

Ultimately, “Messenger Ad" provides any advertiser -- from small businesses just starting out to international companies omnipresent online-- access key information exchanged during those valuable conversations leading all characters involved down a successful path towards victory: fulfilled expectations no matter which side yah stand wit!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Drive sales with Messenger Ads: Leverage the power of Messanger to increase your reach and engagement using personalized messages targeting existing customers, delivering exclusive offers, and promoting discounts.
  2. Connect with your audience instantly: Reach more people in real-time with customized and automated conversations that help them make informed purchase decisions and even resolve customer service inquiries.  
  3. Activating influencers for brand awareness campaigns: Partner up with micro or macro influencers to create a strong presence on social media networks as well as spread awarness about your products/services at scale.
Messenger Ads revolutionize the marketing game, providing cost and time-efficient solutions to reach potential customers in a personalized, interactive and secure way.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Inviting users to chat with a bot for product enquiries
  2. Connecting customers to businesses by letting them send messages directly via the Messenger platform
  3. Offering discounts, promotions and other incentives through one-on-one conversations
  4. Showcasing new products or services in private message exchanges
  5. Advertising exclusive offers only available to those who contact a business through Messenger ad
  6. Reaching out and conversing directly with potential leads by engaging undivided attention for better understanding of their needs  
  7. Leveraging intelligent response technology (iRT) to get users more information about the product with increased accuracy and speed  
  8. Targeting potential customers on an even more personal level avoiding public trails/forums as distractions  
  9. Creating customised message sequences that yield better results than generic ads sent publicly to everyone  
  10. Gathering feedbacks by giving interested people ability engage in meaningful dialogue & find solutions simultaneously

The evolution of 

Messenger Ad

Messenger Ad

The concept of a Messenger ad has been around since the birth of Facebook Ads. It goes back years ago when marketers used to build ads with traditional methods, like buying media, or creating content to put in magazines and newspapers. Nowadays, messenger ads offer a totally different approach to the way you market your business.

This innovative marketing tool allows for targeting and engagement with customers in an intimate and interactive way through social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp. With this kind of single-lettered message popping up on recipients' devices screens, companies are able to reach their consumers instantly wherever they are – thanks to the types of audience segmentations that these platforms provide: location-based targeting, interests/behavioral targeting, gender-based targeting and so much more.

Since its debut on the scene in 2013 as “mobile messaging App” ads, Messenger ad technology has advanced phenomenally over time - boosted by continuous updates to digital communication channels such as interactive services onboarded into apps that establish customer profiles with behavior data which has helped marketers understand how users may interact with their products better. Furthermore artificial intelligence capabilities now embedded into some channel implementations aid both organic conversations (human-to-human chat) or automated workflows sending out messages through predefined rulesets offering potential users product knowledge from FAQs or pricing details via bot interactions.

From its humble beginnings Messenger ad campaigns have evolved manifolds intoto enhance customer experiences drastically whilst providing great results cheaply compared to other mobile ads formats because businesses only pay when it drives conversions - such as a purchase coming from someone interacting directly with their brand's chatbot powered by machine learning tech mechanisms for example leading them down customised funnel paths where it can be tracked starting from awareness generation right until achieving goal completions before transitioning persons who interacted back into lead nurturing programmes all without friction ever being encountered at any step along personal journeys provided through conversation interfaces unified across devices during what appears seamless omnichannel flows expressing thoughtfully tailored pathways everybody concerned interacts either effortlessly letting people completely uninterrupted control dialogues replied using natural language then having each user taking valued meaningful steps towards desired outcomes triggered automatically depending chosen interactions whose analytics get monitored fine tuned whenever deemed necessary uncovering any insights previously unknown thereby allowing companies track progress measured utilizing AI available precisely whilst observing success ensuing: ultimately establishing perfect conditions commercially rewarding bottom lines plus environments specified promoted propelling overall satisfaction levels even higher expected imaginable resulting greater mission accomplishment rates promised delivered always staying ahead expectations qualified heartened notion continually unboundedly testing pushing performance boundaries limits contactbouncingly further strengthening bonds entire corpus critical stakeholders involved realising goals corporate aspirations webbed trifold amalgamation present commerce convenience era getting concretised cost effective means starting exploratory missions discovering infinite possibilities nothing stopping bearing sweet fruits revolutions yet come paving roads future online shopping already unfolding ground tendencies becoming ubiquitous commonplace regularity spanning chasm patterns behaviour woven virtually fabric shop society!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Messenger Ads have shown a 164% average increase in click-through rate compared to other types of ads on Facebook.
  2. On average, Messenger Ads are proving to be 2-3 times more cost effective than traditional Facebook Ads.
  3. 70% of users who clicked on a messenger ad took action within 10 minutes, compared with an overall industry average of - 15 minutes for clicks in other ads.
  4. Appointment bookings increased 24% after running targeted Messenger Ad campaigns for clients across the retail and travel verticals.
  5. 18 percent more leads were generated through Messenger Ads compared to non-Messenger related campaigns.  
  6. Conversion rates skyrocketed 366% when using retargeting strategies with Messenger Ads instead of running standard Facebook Advertising campaigns alone.  
  7. Just like spartans proudly defending their lairs, you can trust that your sales funnel will remain safe and secure thanks to the reliability and effectiveness of Messenger Ads!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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