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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unleash List Building Power: Proven Techniques for Lead Gen Success

List building is a key element of successful lead generation. It helps you create an engaged audience, build relationships with potential customers, and ultimately increase sales. To make the most of list building, focus on quality over quantity; prioritize segmentation and personalization; and take advantage of automation tools to streamline the process. Learn about list building today to get started!

List Building: Lead Gen Success

What is 

List Build

List building is an invaluable strategy to acquire, manage, and engage potential customers for businesses interested in lead generation. It entails creating a comprehensive database of leads that can support and shape the lead generation campaigns from which sales will eventually arise. List building involves identifying target markets, finding individuals within them with influence or decision-making capacities and then cultivating those audiences via carefully crafted messages tailored towards your company’s goals.

It requires hard work and dedication — marketers must be making connections continually to increase their lists — but it can pay off in the form of tangible results. List builders need to stay organized too: they should track ROI across various channels on a regular basis; adjust content strategies as data shifts; optimize email subject lines accordingly; measure engagement levels; update contact lists as needed; refine conversion rates over time by testing different tactics; highlight top-performing leads in reports; visualize competitor performance through competitive analysis…the list goes on!

Any business wanting success when it comes to lead generation understands that list building is far more than simply collecting emails or phone numbers - they must nurture each touchpoint to stay ahead of the competition and make sure prospects get moved steadily down their funnel until they become paying customers.

To sum up, “list building” means gathering information related to potential leads into one place so you have access to high quality contacts who would be likely consumers when guided correctly though the buying journey. Think of winning a battle against competition being like training Spartans for war - solidifying relationships with strong partners takes persistence just like preparing for battle does! To bring home victory requires both smart tactics used at different points along the way plus agility (to make adjustments). List building sets your business efforts up for growth - end goal – closing deals quicker!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Utilizing an email opt-in form: An email opt-in form is key in list buildinng and should be used as part of a strategy to build an email list and boost lead generatoin. Through the use of promotional materials, special offers, exclusive deals, etc., users can be incentivized to provide their contact information for the purpose of receiving targeted messages about topics such as products and services related to their interests.
  2. Leveraging gated content strategies: Gated content tactics are often used when marketing teams want to encourage visitors to directly complete a certain call-to-action (CTA) before offering access to additional resources promised after that CTA has been completed. Additionally, it allows for companies/brands to capture user data depending on the predetermined CTA requirements; therefore, reducing costs associated with collecting leads outside of gated content strategies.
  3. Implementing popups campaigns: Popup campaigns have become increasingly popular among marketers looking for creative ways of collecting website visitor data while simultaneously increasing leads counts or achieving other goals such as gaining newsletter subscribers. Popups run in intervals based on settings selected by organizations which makes it easy for them to drive maximum engagement with basic customization within the popup itself including its style, copy duration, discounts presented between two options offered during interactions with potential customers through interaction with popups strategically placed throughout necessary company/brand websites/pages.
List building is a crucial lead generating tool that can help any business grow and achieve success, from targeting specific audiences to using different strategies such as popups, gated content and email opt-in forms.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Subscribing to industry blogs or newsletters
  2. Gathering contact details during webinars and conferences
  3. Running resource downloads campaigns through social media
  4. Encouraging customers for case studies, surveys and referrals
  5. Leveraging content marketing initiatives
  6. Connecting with influencers in the space
  7. Scheduling email marketing promotions like discounts and special offers
  8. Offering free trials and sample products/services as lead magnets
  9. Creating targeted segments from process automation results
  10. Using CRM segmentation to identify lookalike audiences

The evolution of 

List Build

List Build

The practice of list building is almost as old as marketing itself – it's been around since the dawn of lead generation. The idea behind it was simple: create a database with key contact information for potential prospects that can be used to communicate with them later down the track. Of course, this was before anyone had even considered CRMs, AI, and other 21st century tools - it literally relied on pen and paper!

Over time its importance has increased drastically and in today’s competitive marketplace its centrality cannot be understated. Gone are the days of simply collecting data – now marketers have the ability to micro-target their audiences based upon individualised criteria to maximise each role playing out from lead gen onwards.  

It's obvious that this kind of sophistication comes at a cost; marketers must invest heavily in technology infrastructure in order to attain such accuracy and yield potential ROI from their list building efforts. But if done properly those costs will pale into insignificance compared to worthwhile revenues generated from increased conversions, contact rates and customer retention rates.

The future for list building looks both rosy and ripe for challenge at once – thanks largely due to newer developments like machine learning algorithms designed specifically for this task which could potentially revolutionize yet further what can feasibly be obtained. Who knows where such advancement could take us...

In any case, regardless of aggressive advances on various fronts within lead gen strategies, we can confidently trust that list building will always retain a high degree of significance within modern day sales & marketing initiatives going forward.

Sweet facts & stats

  1. 81% of marketers opted for “List building” to increase leads in 2020.
  2. 72% of marketers build different versions of their list depending on the target audience.
  3. 64-70 percent of companies are investing more in “list building” compared to previous years.
  4. Nearly 40% fo salespeople said that “list building” was the most important lead generation channel for them this year.
  5. 27% reported that “List Building” is a better option than other types of lead generation techniques such as paid ads and email campaigns.
  6. In 2021, 25%-35% of businesses have already created lists specifically tailored to attract customer's interest and address their problems more effectively through content marketing messages within emails or social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram stories & posts..
  7. 17% of companies said they are increasing investments into “list building” by as much as 25%-30%.
  8. According to a recent survey conducted among 800 marketers, 16% agreed that having an automated contact sequence built upon artificial intelligence technologies provides them with better capabilities when analyzing customer behavior to improve their engagement rate across several channels simultaneously .
  9. Even back in 300 Bc: at the Battle Of Thermopylae -the Spartans were the consummate list builders; mastering the art showing us how even back then, 'build a great list' meant victory over impossible odds!

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