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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Lead Nurturing: Automation & AI for Digital Strategy

Lead nurturing is a powerful tool that has evolved over time. Automation has made it easier to reach out to potential customers and build relationships with them. By learning about lead nurturing, you can identify the right prospects and create meaningful interactions with them. Discover how automation can help you grow your business today!

Lead Nurturing: Automated Evolution

What is 

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with prospects over a period of time. The core goal to be achieved through lead nurturing is to encourage prospects to eventually become paying customers. In the world of automation, this process involves setting up chronological sequences and scheduling campaigns in order for desired actions to be taken by potential buyers down their sales journey.

It's akin to having your own personal spartan or gladiator testing out different paths you can take; combing the battlefields for potential opportunities and helping you break them down into achievable chunks until victory is attained. While it may sound complicated, what this does is simply provides you with proactive steps and actions towards meeting your predetermined goals.

Lead nurturing works by creating personalized messages and delivering content that gamifies individual interactions, qualifying leads better and ensuring each lead will ever closer come along the customer’s journey. By automating these processes, companies are able to reap more successful outcomes while at the same time save time they would have otherwise spent manually going through repetitive tasks such as engaging leads one-by-one or following up on emails sent days prior.

Overall, Lead Nurturing helps business owners communicate more effectively with their target audiences who are interested in what they have on offer – meaning brands can focus more energy on other important aspects that make up part of their larger strategy., leading to greater success when reaching out with automated initiatives like emails or webinars without needing resources that they scarce don't possess. There's no denying that deploying an effective lead nurturing regimen among any marketing program makes a huge difference - although all those involved must still remain aware not every interaction will guarantee present results yet hidden benefits might show their face in due course!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Automatically welcoming new leads with a friendly message – Reach out to fresh leads with personalized messages that make them feel warmly welcomed into your organizaiton and establish ongoing communication.
  2. Tracking lead behavior over time – Keep an eye on how leads interact with each piece of content and which conversations they’ve had with members of your team in order to build meaningful relationships faster.
  3. Advanced segmentation for targeted messaging - Seperate your list of contacts into meaningful categories based on their activity and send focused, tailored material to spur further engagement as needed.
Lead Nurturing has come a long way and automated advances are now enabling smarter strategies for companies to drive sales and increase ROI, taking customer engagement & communication to another level.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Setting up chronological sequences
  2. Bot-assisted lead qualification
  3. Creating personalized messages
  4. Using content to gamify individual interactions
  5. Mapping the customer’s journey & respective actions
  6. Proactively pursuing predetermined goals
  7. Time-saving through automated tasks and processes  
  8. Retargeting campaigns triggered by behavior mapping    
  9. Sending out bulk emails at a scheduled time
  10. Launching webinars without required resources

The evolution of 

Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing, an integral tool of modern automated processes, has come a long way. In its beginnings as just a concept rather than a fully-developed process, it was designed to support marketing efforts by focusing on meaningful customer communication and engagement at different points in the sales cycle--a key component of achieving successful customer relationships.

Lead nurturing began with more manually intensive techniques such as sending personalized emails or creating tailored content to attract customers based on their interactions with your product or services. As companies realized both the importance and potential value of this process though, automation quickly entered into the equation to not only increase efficiency but also provide companies access to real-time information about customer engagement/activity and trends within market segments for better targeting.

Further advances like lead scoring systems allowed even further improvement and sophistication in how lead nurturing approaches are implemented, allowing users to quickly identify which leads were worth pursuing (and why) while automatically discarding those which represented unqualified customers or offers that weren't relevant enough. Additionally, the end result is often improved customer experience through engaging offers, day-to-day communication that focuses on needs analysis then follows up with more specific calls-to-action depending on customer behavior at each step in the sales cycle – all taking place nearly seamlessly thanks to automation technology.

Where does this leave us today? For starters “Lead nurturing” has now become commonplace for many large businesses - where early adopters are now enjoying benefits ranging from higher conversion rates of targeted audiences through improved brand loyalty due to frequent connection throughout various stages of buyer journey/cycle.. Plus we can expect even further streamlined processes as artificial intelligence begins powering user dashboards providing insightful recommendations instead leaving decision making in hands of marketers -- several innovative providers have already promised promising integrations with AI components according their announcements earlier this year indicating sector is certainly ready for expansion yet again!

So despite having made huge strides since initial establishment on digital landscape over two decades ago journey begun by "Lead Nurturing" isn't quite finished yet however innovation path appears planned out well into future....all set be powered ever sophisticating forms automation technology alongside driven either machine learning algorithms AI thus setting stage for what could potentially defining era marketing!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. 63% of organizations use lead nurturing as part of their overall marketing strategy to increase ROI and drive sales.
  2. Nearly 75% of marketing-generated leads never turn into deals due to lack of proper following up.
  3. Lead-nurturing emails experience click rates that are 19% higher than ones sent without any segmentation or personalization when appropriate automated technology is used for the process.
  4. Automated lead nurturing enables you to reduce costs by up to 25%.
  5. For 56% of all B2B marketers, website visits are the best indicator for whether a lead qualification process should be triggered or not with automation being key for this process optimization.  
  6. Lead nurturing with an automated workflow can help increase conversions from leads to customers 3 times faster than traditional methods employed in its absence according to a study conducted in 2020 .  
  7. With automation, companies save 40 hours per month due to the reduction in manual processes required for successful follow up on leads compared against its non -automated counterpart while still maintaining effectiveness partially attributed to scalability enabled by automation techniques & tools mirroring more closely a human’s ability in response timing and engagement consistency even at peak increasing workloads like during special campaigns emphasizing online engagements..  
  8. Even gladiators used different strategies when battling it out with each other – similarly modern day business also require smart strategies particularly when competing online which is where wise usage of effective algorithm powered automation comes into play improving your nurture game significantly!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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