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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Achieve Lead Gen Results with Automation Power!

Lead generation automation has a huge impact on businesses. It helps to streamline processes and increase efficiency, allowing companies to focus more time and resources into other areas of their operations. Learning about lead generation can help companies maximize the potential of this powerful tool. Discover how it can benefit your business today!

Lead Generation Impact Automation

What is 

Lead Gen

Lead generation, in the world of modern business, is the process of proactively attracting potential customers and turning them into qualified leads. This is usually accomplished through various digital channels such as email marketing campaigns, landing pages, and search engine optimization (SEO). Automation has become a powerful tool for streamlining lead generation activities so that businesses can effectively nurture leads to conversion.

Generating quality leads is hard work which requires intense focus and dedication - just like the spartans or gladiators preparing for battle. It’s not something that just happens overnight – it takes consistency and commitment. Marketers need to be relentless when fine-tuning their strategies, constantly optimizing each step of the process to maximize results while keeping an eye on customer experience. The best way to make this happen is by using automation tools at every touchpoint along the customer journey.

From systematically segmenting contacts based on user behavior data to personalizing communication for different audiences; from scheduling emails ahead of time to automatically tracking interaction analytics; automation makes it possible for even small teams to manage complex marketing operations with consistent efficiency and accuracy. Essentially, this allows marketers to automate certain repetitive tasks related to lead generation freeing them up to focus on more creative aspects of outreach. In other words: with automation you can get your ducks in a row before battle commences!

Moreover, automated lead scoring systems allow businesses to stay ahead of competition by quickly identifying hot prospects who require immediate attention within existing databases as well as new ones being added daily. With such functionalities in place you can easily score leads against any criteria — demographic details such as job titles and geographical locations or key behaviors revealed by how they interact with content assets — helping business owners identify opportunities where manual intervention may be necessary before qualifying them further down their funnels.

On top of saving time while generating higher quality leads faster than ever before – automation also makes sure companies are always engaging customers using relevant messages across all channels allowing marketers optimize interactions according customer preferences without needing additional resources or manpower. So if you’ve been wondering how you can up your game when it comes it comes lead generation efforts, look no further than taking advantage of technology’s assistance!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Automatically capture lead data from website visits and online forms and add them to your database for qualitative segmentation: this way, you'll be able to have a clear view of who is looking at what products and gain insights about their needs.
  2. Utilize AI-driven marketing automaton to bring visitors back automatically if they leave your website without converting, by sending personalized emails tailored according to individual preferences.
  3. Integrate multiple channels including social media, websites or any other existing sources into one platform in order to get an unified overview of the leads generated across all platforms, thus allowing for more efficient follow up with potential customers.
Automation technology has revolutionized lead generation by allowing businesses to streamline and optimize their processes, increasing leads with personalized customer journeys, segmented data, scheduled emails and analytics.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Automated personalized customer journeys
  2. Segmented contact data based on user behavior
  3. Scheduled email campaigns ahead of time
  4. Automatically tracking interaction analytics
  5. Optimization at each step of the process to maximize results
  6. Automatic lead scoring systems to identify hot prospects  
  7. Lead scoring based on criteria like job title and geographical location 8. Constant engagement with relevant messages across all channels 9. Customized interactions according customer preferences 10. Leveraging automation tools for complex marketing operations

The evolution of 

Lead Gen

Lead Gen

Lead generation has been an integral part of the business world since companies first started interacting with consumers. Automation allowed businesses to streamline lead generation efforts and make them more efficient, transforming the basic concept into a sophisticated system that’s used globally today.

The concept of generating high-quality leads was born in the mid-1800s when direct mail was introduced to send promotional materials to potential customers. This primitive automation process slowly developed into what it is today, allowing marketers to get leads without needing time-consuming manual labor. In the 1970s, electronic databases emerged and evolving technologies further propelled the growth of this practice.

By 2020, various tools and strategies have been put into place for automating lead generations, from AI and machine learning capabilities to predictive analytics and customer data platforms. Companies now leverage sophisticated algorithms allows them to target audiences geographically, demographically or through behavioral analysis using multiple channels such as email, social media campaigns and mobile marketing techniques—all in pursuit of converting prospects into loyal customers.

As technology continues to evolve at rapid speed , it is almost certain that lead generation too will adopt new ways of working even better than before. With value-driven tactics like personalization becoming increasingly popular among millennials and Gen Zers who are looking guarantees before parting with their money may create opportunities for companies willing to invest in building relationships outside their immediate sales funnel objectives . It would also force businesses worldwide to come together— because beating their competition takes both automation savvy as well as strong communication skills — something no single entity can do on its own . Due out customized experiences tailored towards individual personalities remain at core of successful lead generators' strategy in future helping them turning walk ins into lifetime paying customers while they focus on creating engagement instead solely focusing on acquisition rate

As we look forth ,lead generations is embarking upon interesting journey with lot advancements yet to be unleashed by ambitious marketers all around globe aiming set itself apart competing brands wooing same segment of audience

Sweet facts & stats

  • 58% of companies have adopted an automation solution for lead generation;
  • Automated lead gen processes can increase leads by up to 215%;
  • 92% of marketers view leads generated programmatically as more accurate and complete than traditional methods;
  • By 2022, the global market for automated Lead Generation is expected to reach 28 billion U.S. dollars;
  • Companies using Lead Gen automation generate 50% more sales ready leads than those without it;  
  • The average email open rate with lead generation automation stands at around 24%, compared with 15% without automation tools in place;  
  • Around 87% of B2B and 66% of B2C companies rely on Lead Gen automation to process and nurture their prospects into customers faster and more efficiently;  
  • Ironically, even with all these advancements in automation, more than half (54%) of small businesses find that generating new leads through manual outreach is still the most effective way forward (wonders what Spartans or Gladiators’ stands were about lead gen!).

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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