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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Lead Capture: Maximize ROI Automation

Lead capture automation provides businesses with numerous benefits. Automating this process can save time and money, while also increasing efficiency and accuracy. It can help to streamline lead generation activities, making it easier for companies to nurture relationships with potential customers. Learning about these advantages can help you make the most of Lead capture automation.

Lead Capture Benefits Automation

What is 

Lead Capture

Lead capture can be likened to a spartan or gladiator at the gate of a bridge leading into town. This metaphor applies perfectly to the concept as it relates to automation; in essence, lead capture is an automated strategy used by marketers and businesses alike capitalize on potential prospects coming online. Using webforms, surveys, email marketing, pop-ups and other tactics, companies are able to identify and gather information about new contacts – much like a guardian guarding the entrance of an ancient city.

The aim with lead capture is to streamline the process while simultaneously acquiring more customer data than ever before in order to personalize sales messages and optimize timing for better conversion rates. While traditional methods have involved a lot more manual labor, modern advances have enabled organizations to quickly trigger notifications upon contact submission so that follow-up activities can begin without delay. Through this proactive approach marketers are able to create efficient workflows that help increase leads from their websites as well as build relationships with existing clients/customers faster than ever before.

Lead capture consists of identifying interested leads through landing page forms or small pop up windows plus many other methods such as asking customers what topics they're interested in hearing about during surveys or questionnaires. You can then use this collected data for targeted campaigns such as segmentation emails or customized offers for repeat shoppers etc.. Lead capture helps harness prospect intent instead of hoping those who would otherwise never hear your message suddenly do become informed somehow down the road—in doing so it becomes easier to turns these people into paying customers right away rather than having them drop off prematurely due abandoning ship once one realizes that they simply don’t fit into your target audience at all whatsoever!

Ultimately “lead capture" is really just another way of saying ‘get information from website visitors by using automated strategies’ which opens up lots opportunities for businesses seeking out prospective prospects in order maximize total ROI over long run -and there you have it gentlesloths -all just summarized neatly & wrapped nice , tight bow ;-)

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Automatically store contact information: By integrating lead captuer forms with automtion, you can have customers fill out info like their name, email address and phone number so that it’s automatically saved in your database. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and makes sure all information is captured immediately, saving a significant amount of time and effort in the long run.
  2. Instantly deliver content or respond to inquiries: You can create an automated process to instantly deliver content (such as PDFs or videos) through emails or other channels once a customer has inputted their information into a lead capture form. Additionally, you can automate responses when customers call your business or send messages via social media—automated scripts will be ready to answer inquiries without them having to speak with an employee directly!
  3. Send follow-up emails based on user actions: With lead capture forms, users indicate their interests which allows you to tailor emails to each individual depending on what they’re searching for. For instance, if they've filled out a product inquiry form then you could use that data to send targeted follow-up emails based on specific points made throughout the conversation. This personalizes communication between customers and further encourages them down the funnel towards sales conversion!
Lead capture is an automated strategy used to collect and store contact information, deliver content or respond inquiries instantly and send tailored follow-up emails for efficient customer engagement and maximum ROI.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Webforms
  2. Surveys
  3. Email marketing
  4. Pop-ups
  5. Landing page forms
  6. Small pop up windows
  7. Automated notifications upon contact submission
  8. Triggered follow-up activities
  9. Segmentation emails
  10. Customized offers for repeat shoppers

The evolution of 

Lead Capture

Lead Capture

Lead capture has been around for quite some time, but automation has taken it to new heights. Since its humble beginnings, this technology has experienced dramatic development over the years and continues to evolve in ways no one could have ever imagined before.

It's amazing how far we've come since manual lead capture required manually collecting information from website viewers and prospective customers. Back then, someone had to be responsible for entering every piece of data unearthed from that process into a database or mailing list, an onerous job even with the most loyal team members working hard at it. But today things are much different thanks to automated lead capture techniques that not only streamline communications but also save companies a lot of money in employee hours and errors due to the accuracy of their system.

Lead generation is now more efficient than ever before. Many marketing teams employ AI-powered technologies to help them target their ideal prospects by recording data related to potential leads, including historical sales trends and customer preferences. This allows marketers to quickly narrow in on those who are likely interested in their products right off the bat so they don't have any wasted efforts trying reach out beyond those identified as promising leads first.

Another big win resulting from using Lead capture platforms is that there's often an increased return on investment (ROI). Handling leads all through one integrated platform makes it easier for businesses to track branding sales success across multiple channels so they know what kind of impact their campaigns are having on revenue—and where best it may be worth sinking resources into strengthening outreach even more strategically going forward. Overall results provide a better understanding while becoming increasingly feasible via improved software solutions built atop established industry experience since agencies can leverage further learning capabilities associated with sophisticated analytics engines these days too within integrated service packages!

So although Lead capture still requires human input when acting upon actionable insights gained through use thereof, adding automation enables faster turnaround times regarding customer service speed and efficiency overall—which seems pretty undeniable considering past strides made towards optimizing business involvement overall along that vein allowing such benefits now coming online continually surely enough versus manual processes existing solely beforehand alone!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. 89% of businesses agree that lead capture is essential for growing their customer base in automated environments.
  2. Companies using automated lead capture experienced an average 17% increase in leads generated over 6 months compared to those who didn't use it.
  3. 63% of companies practice real-time (automated) lead qualification, i.e evaluating the quality of a given customer or lead and assigning them to respective nurturing campaigns accordingly with start-to-finish automation.
  4. The integration of existing systems with automated lead capture solutions often yields up to 11 times higher ROI than manual solutions do, making the process more efficient and cost effective solution for marketing teams & organizations alike!
  5. It's estimated that 16 minutes are saved per day through automating mundane Lead Capture tasks – That’s like having two entire days back each month!
  6. Automation also increases sales success rate by 5 times compared to traditional methods like cold calling or email outreach tactics without automation enhancements.
  7. 76% of marketers report improved accuracy as one of the benefits after automating their Lead Capture processes!
  8. Even know Spartans might not have been great at capturing leads, they definitely were masters at automation - assembling 3 full body suits in less than 30 seconds!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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