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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unveiling the Power of Image Ads on Facebook

Image ads on Facebook are a powerful tool for reaching your target audience. They can be used to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic and generate leads. Learn about Image ads and how they can help you reach your goals.

Image Ads: Facebook Power

What is 

Ad Image

An Image ad is a type of advertisement that grabs your attention by featuring visuals, such as a photo, illustration or GIF. When it comes to Facebook Ads specifically, image ads are one way to reach out and engage with potential customers on the social platform. These graphics-focused images tend to be eye catching and stand apart from text-only content in news feeds. It's all about making sure people notice them when they appear in their feed (and stop scrolling right past).

The success of an image ad depends largely on appeal -- so it needs to look its best if you have something specific you want to communicate! Sprucing up an image requires several steps: contrasting colors for different effects; careful selection of fonts for clear readability; skillful placement of images and messaging copy -- all the elements necessary for quick communication of whatever message or suggestion your business wants to put forth.

Think of this process like priming up gladiators before they enter into battle -– our job is equip them so they can effectively get the job done! Getting this right will determine whether your audience looks twice at the ad or scrolls right past without giving it a second thought.

Strike quickly – creativity helps here – same story told through expressions in varying ways keeps interest levels high among viewers. Align your brand’s voice with chosen visuals make sure that unique tone carries through each element used in an ad Image ads should also include some form style details (logo watermarks, texture overlays) along with typography guidance . Make sure you stick with brand guidelines yet draw attention towards highlighted key information like never before. After all Spartans were called upon because their powerful visual formed could help give impetus during times when words lost the power needed!

In short, combining compelling visuals & engaging messaging create “image ads” that engage with target audiences in more meaningful ways than plain old text ever could. Discover how memorable your visual messages can be today – let's roll out a plan worthy enough for any Spartan comrade out there!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Showcase a product: An image ad is an ideal way to give customers a detailed look at what’s on offer. Use attractive imagery and lifestyle shots to show off products in contex, and let potential buyers see exactly what they’re getting for their money.
  2. Drive app downloads: Looking to boost downloads of your new mobile offering? High quality visuals can whet people’s appetites and draw downloaders in droves – so use eye-catching images that tie into the key uses of your app.
  3. Retarget users: Nothing speaks louder than a reminder of something they’ve already shown interest in! Whether it’s an abandoned shopping cart, or an old search query, retargeting through image ads can bring users back – helping you turn potential leads into paying customers time after time.
Image ads on Facebook combine compelling visuals and engaging messaging to create powerful, memorable messages that effectively reach target audiences.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Hand drawn illustration
  2. Studio-quality photo
  3. Vintage pictures with a twist  
  4. Quote images evoking emotion  
  5. Animated GIFs to lighten the mood  
  6. Video montage with music and captions  
  7. Before/after snapshots
  8. Infographics tying information into visuals  
  9. Close up visuals highlighting unique details of product or service
  10. Colourful collage-style design

The evolution of 

Ad Image

Ad Image

The history of ‘Image ad’ is tightly intertwined with the rise of Facebook Ads. At the beginning, the entire platform was text-based and only offered simple pay-per-click ads. Over time it has become more visually focused as more people began to upload pictures and videos, culminating in the now ubiquitous 'Image ad'.

Originally a controversial idea as many webmasters wanted to keep their platforms accessible for everyone, it quickly became apparent that image-based marketing had huge potential. It also started out at a simpler level, where businesses could choose from some premade templates to showcase products or services they were offering. However, over time new technology allowed images to be personalized much more effectively and that opened up lots of possibilities for advertisers. This development coincided with Facebook’s progressively broader user base - something that enabled businesses to target their advertising far better than before.

Nowadays 'Image ads' are all around us on social media sites such as Facebook; eye catching visuals displaying enticing offers appear all the time when we browse our feeds! As well as being an incredibly popular method of promoting goods and services within communities, these ads don't just help brands connect with customers –they can also increase awareness about important issues like sustainability and philanthropy initiatives too!

With technology continuing to evolve rapidly 'Image ads' have been able to maximize this potential further by providing creative ways of making sure they get noticed while still delivering concise messages directly related to campaigns or causes. The future of them looks very bright indeed! Thanks perhaps mainly due its comprehensive targeting features paired with high quality visuals which capture attention right away – anything is possible when it comes to effective advertisement through an 'Image ad'.

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Image ads on Facebook account for 29% of all impressions served on the network.  
  2. On average, a viewer can recall 68.2% of an image ad they’ve seen after 24 hours.
  3. Click-through rate (CTR) for image ads are five times higher than compared to text only ads or link posts with no images in them.
  4. 71% of consumers believe that seeing their favorite characters featured in advertisements make the brand more likable and trustworthy.
  5. 60% to 70 % of total ad performance is attributable to visual elements used within an ad – like photography and graphic designs in “Image Ads” on facebook Ads .
  6. The average Age Range for response was 18 - 44 year olds who saw “Image Ads” on Facebook*.  
  7. Last but not least: Spartans would have totally kicked butt at creating Facebook Advertising Image Ads if given the chance!

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