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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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About this test drive 👋
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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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From Awareness to Action: Funnels for Increased Returns

Funnel is the ultimate Sales Insight and ROI tool. It enables you to track, optimize and grow your business with ease. With Funnel, you can measure performance across different channels, identify trends in customer behavior and make data-driven decisions that drive revenue growth. Learn about Funnel today to maximize your sales potential!

Funnel: Sales Insight & ROI

What is 


A funnel can be thought of as a tool used in sales to help guide prospects from discovering your company and products, through their consideration of it, and hopefully then toward conversion. It’s a tried-and-tested concept that has become increasingly popular in recent years as firms look for intelligent ways to manage the customer journey.

Think of it like a kind of gladiatorial shopping experience – you enter the funnel by learning about the product or service you want, take on competitors vying for your attention along the way, before eventually succeeding at ‘purchase’ - if all goes to plan. Funnels are designed differently depending upon the specific needs they are needed for – which might include content delivery or simply calling out when someone should make contact with a business. .

At its simplest level, funnels allow organisations to better track prospects showing interest in their offering and compare marketing techniques against one another more accurately. In this way marketers can monitor how much attention different advertising campaigns bring in over time and adapt them accordingly – never fear: popularity contests don't carry swords anymore (or do they?)! By breaking stages down into bite size chunks businesses can easily see what’s needing development and where leads might be getting stuck - so they can work off issues quickly before shelling out on ineffective sources otherwise pouring budget down into oblivion!

Ultimately funnels provide useful insights into something that was historically quite hard to assess but vitally important to understand; namely buyer behaviour. Being able to isolate variables allows marketers more control across campaigns which should incorporate every stage from first interaction right through checkout rather than sporadically flashing alerts up here & there hoping somebody sees them shiny enough without any idea if their message even got out at all there! The hungry search for needles hidden regularly inside haystacks is no effective sales approach after all…

In conclusion funnels make life simpler whilst still managing sales processes like any other well-oiled machine demands; each piece clicks together nicely allowing marketers verify results within an arm’s reach compared inches away before & while providing that sweet reassurance that everything is being looked after & coming good too yer know? So take it need ta feel overwhelmed now! With less hassle comes more wins - cause you almost hit double figures when ya split hair lengthwise on those numbers remember? Safe bet then why not jump aboard? What ya waiting fer eh? We gonna miss our chance?!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Utilize the fucnnel principle to nurture prospects with targeted content - Lead them from initial contact through to eventual purchase.  
  2. Repurpose your content as a way of directing customers down the sales fucnel, providing additional insight and answering their questions.
  3. Analyze customer behaviour data to identify areas in the buyer’s journey that can be improved – Use this insight to refine and optimise your funnel structure optimal results
The Funnel provides businesses with an invaluable insight into their customer's journey and behavior, enabling them to optimize campaigns, improve the buyer's experience, and increase ROI.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Lead Magnet Funnel
  2. Micro-commitment Funnel
  3. Email Capture Funnel
  4. Webinar and Event Funnels
  5. Free-Trial Offer Funnels  
  6. Community Engagement Funnels  
  7. Learning Pathway or Onboarding Series Funnel
  8. Referral and Incentive Promotion Funnells
  9. Cross-Sell Automation Series funnels
  10. Upsell Series funnels

The evolution of 



The Funnel - A Historical Perspective on Sales

The concept of the “funnel” has been around for quite some time, and for those in the sales arena it has become an integral part of how to track a customer’s journey. Over the years, this tool has grown and changed to reflect changes in the industry and help businesses manage their customers better.

In the beginning, most “Funnels” were very primitive. They consisted of simply listing all potential prospects that a company might be interested in selling too; these would include things like names, locations, age ranges or even purchase history If a business wanted to figure out how far along into their funnel each prospect was then they would often have to do additional research manually.

However, as technology advanced so did the funnel. It began with basic spreadsheets that could assign labels such as "lead", "convert" or "purchase". As contact management software emerged funneling got easier and more sophisticated allowing companies to more granularly observe and manage what stage of purchasing individuals were at within their respective companies' funnels.

Since then ‘the funnel’ has evolved greatly, becoming much more complex over time. Modern day funnels take into account various kinds of data that can provide insight as to why certain prospects decide not move forward during a sale process (or conversely why others choose to). This data is invaluable when it comes helping organizations identify areas where improvement needs can be made such as website design or marketing copy which leads directly leads back throught he funnel again. Additionally services like automation software allow sales teams access customized reports aimed at cutting down labor intensive work processes while still keeping them updated on the progress prospects are making through purchase cycles -- streamlining tasks associated with traditionally manual operations like outreach and creating opportunities for increased profitability without sacrificing accuracy or quality control .

Moving forward we expect even greater use of accessible data collection allowing entities large & small alike advance their efforts from tracking consumers' journeys from prospects till purchase , turning information silos into actionable intelligence & driving intelligent decisions faster . Due change advancements being made daily video tools & cloud services further simplify integrating important resources together within ones existing framework — making both people & processes smarter than ever before .We believe by leveraging new technologies soon Funnel related strategies will become staples integrated practically every marketers strategies worldwide

To put it simply , The Funnel provides organizations an inside view towards understanding its customers behavior patterns — drastically improving decision-making abilities while boosting overall ROI's across any given organization's based off meaningful insights derived via leveraging big data , marketing automation ,& AI's algorithmic capabilities ..all leading up everything going full circle resulting goo'd returns via investing on various levels said improvements thoughtout throughout whole entire sales cycle pourposes

Sweet facts & stats

  1. A funnel for sales typically consists of a specific number of steps, usually between 3 and 8 stages.
  2. The most common structure for the sales funnel is often referred to as “AIDA” – Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action.
  3. 72% of customers will abandon their shopping cart if they feel there are too many steps in the process.
  4. Estimates suggest that around 75-90% of potential buyers get eliminated at every stage before they progress down the sales funnel.
  5. Sales funnels enable you to identify where leads drop out during the buying journey so marketers can create strategies to target these areas specifically and push them through the remaining stages of your funnel effectively.  
  6. Nearly three-quarters (72%) of best-in-class companies use predictive analytics techniques on their customer touchpoints in order to guide prospects further along their funnel.
  7. 84% of all gladiators were able to turn their food ration into a lucrative business by selling it back up from the arena's narrow entrance—creating an ancient form of a sales 'funnel'!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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