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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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About this test drive 👋
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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unlock Insights & Gain Efficiency with Pixel: Spartan Optimization!

Utilizing Facebook Pixel can help drive success for your business. Discover how to maximize its potential and learn about the benefits it offers. Start taking advantage of this powerful tool today!

Facebook Pixel: Maximizing Benefits

What is 

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is the best way to measure and optimize the advertisements on the world's most popular social media platform, Facebook. It allows advertisers to track activities such as how many people have seen their ad and how many clicked it or even completed a purchase. By using this tracking tool, advertisers can also target potential customers more precisely because they can see who responded and how they interact with their ads.

Put simply - Facebook Pixel is like having an extra set of eyes in the backroom that can quietly assess everything happening with your campaigns while you focus on other things. Spurring from the success of its eye-catching insight gathering capability, it’s no surprise why marketers are so determined to make sure that every aspect of their Ads Manager dashboard has been completely filled out by a dedicated pixel setup process – ensuring full Spartan-level optimization for each brilliant campaign. It’s enough to make any gladiator shout “Hail Victory!”… Well almost anyway!

With Facebook Pixel, businesses are able to reach interested buyers better than ever before due to being able to analyze and target them based upon interests already acquired via browsing activities prior to initiating contact with a company; all thanks to this clever yet stealth-like technology at work behind the scenes in advert optimization.. This means improved lead generation tactics allowing companies of all sizes (big or small) gain an edge over competitors when developing marketing strategies.

In conclusion: think of Facebook Pixel as pocket money your teenager gets; complete oversight and control with just enough freedom allowed to tilt towards bigger wins in revenue streams giving businesses flexibility they need while keeping spending within practicality walls.

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Setting Up Targeted Audiences: The most efficient way to utilize Facebook Pixel is to set up custom audiences by adding your website visitors, using site traffic data gathered from the pixel, to “Look-alike” audiences in Ads Manager. By setting up a potential customer look-alike audience you can create a larger group of users who match the traits and attributes of those already visiting your page, this allows for highly targeted campaigns with innnovative analytics.
  2. Custom Conversions: With Facebook Pixel installed businesses can gain insights into user activity on their website that extend beyond what’s available through basic advertisng metrics. This expanded reach eliminates guesswork when creating ads as well as optimizing while being able to track highest converting paths.
  3. Retargeting Users Everywhere: Once advertisers install Facebook Pixel they have access to similar audiences across both different sources such as Instagram or Whats app but also websites globally providing considerably more views than previously attainable through traditional advertising models resulting in higher return rates overall.
Facebook Pixel is the ultimate tool for marketers to measure and optimize their marketing campaigns, with powerful insights into customer behavior and automated bid optimisation abilities that give unbeatable efficiency gains.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Measuring conversions from Facebook Ads campaigns
  2. optimizing ads for more efficient spending
  3. Tracking website actions and activities  
  4. Accurately targeting the right people
  5. Increase ROI by understanding customer activity metrics
  6. Finding insights on how visitors interact with your ads & website  
  7. Extracting remarketing data to refine audiences  
  8. Enabling automated bid strategies such as Lead Ads Retargeting or Dynamic Ads optimization
  9. Using custom events to track any user behaviors you deem important  
  10. Gaining visibility into page performance and conversion rate optimization

The evolution of 

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel has come a long way since its launch over five years ago as part of Facebook Ads. It's grown from being a simple marketing tracking tool to one of the most powerful tools in digital marketing. When it first showed up on the scene, little did we know how much impact it would have on our ability to segment and reach audiences.

The evolution of Facebook Pixel has been swift and dramatic, thanks in large part to its ability to give advertisers unprecedented insight into their campaigns' performance through data-driven analysis. It's allowed us to craft highly targeted campaigns with results that far exceed those achievable with traditional media consumption methods like broadcast television or radio advertising. Nowadays, marketers have access to user profiles captured by the Pixel – information they can use to create retargeting or even build custom audiences for new projects or initiatives.

As technology advances, so do our needs and demands when it comes to creating hyper-personalised experiences for our customers as quickly and effectively as possible. With this ongoing development, we can expect more features such as automated bid optimisation based on viewability thresholds, mobile app targeting according to device type (iOS vs Android), improved cross-platform tracking capabilities (taking advantage of the shared characteristics between platforms) and integrated offline goals connected within the same dashboard interface – allowing you track multiple objectives across channels without logging out from one system into another one at any time!

To top it off – features like machine learning-powered performance predictions based on insights unlocked about customer behaviour combine analytics software with artificial intelligence algorithms for maximum impact – enabling quicker decisions at scale in real–time. Ultimately, this technology helps marketers stay ahead when creating their online ad strategies so that they get better results faster than ever before!

The future looks bright for Facebook Pixel too; its already impressive abilities will be enhanced even further leading us down a path towards trend setting convenience while easing up complex tasks along the way — giving unbeatable efficiency gains yet unseen in today’s digital world! So hang tight cause it only gets hotter from here folks - could be time to jump aboard this runaway train!

Sweet facts & stats

  • Facebook Pixel has been used in over 5 million ads since its 2017 launch.
  • Businesses have seen an average click-through rate of 2.6 percent with Facebook Pixel, almost three times more than without it.
  • Using Facebook Pixel can improve the success of your ad campaigns by 15% according to a study from 2018.
  • With Facebook Pixel you can reach 18x the people in your target audience, compared to targeting those same people on their own devices with no Pixels installed.
  • In 2020, there were over 20 billion page views recorded from Ads Manager using Facebook Pixel as the tracking solution for Ads Manager accounts.
  • According to data collected over 2019 and 2020, sites that use Facebook pixel are up to 10% more profitable compared to websites that don’t use it.
  • The Spartains and Gladiators once used unwritten codes for combat engagement which was similar to how businesses today deploy the powerful tools of “Facebook Pixel”!

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