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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Overcoming Adversity With Automation: Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns are a powerful tool for businesses. They help automate marketing tasks and ensure customers stay engaged. Learning about them can help you maximize their potential. Get started today to see the benefits of Drip Campaigns!

Drip Campaigns: Harnessing Power

What is 

Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns can be compared to a spartan or gladiator in the world of automation. They arm you with an array of tools and tactics that help you achieve success – one drip at a time. In essence, they are automated marketing processes that send messages – emails, text messages and social media posts - to certain groups of people over a set period of time. This ensures your message is reaching its full potential throughout the process, as it enjoys even exposure rather than being delivered all at once.

The value of such repetitiveness also lies in tracking customer responses throughout their consumer journey when exposed to different communiqués. The ultimate goal is engagement; repeatedly impressing your prospects until they convert into paying customers. Of course, without proper coordination between departments – say sales, marketing and customer service – any campaign can fall apart quickly like a house of cards so it’s important that everybody knows what each department’s role is before hitting that proverbial “go” button!

On top of allowing for better spread communication, drip campaigns let you tailor experiences for various segments instead of sending generic emails across the board. You could have separate tracks for leads who require more nurturing or loyal returning customers who need specific attention too; letting them know that their voice matters encourages return visits from them and timely marketing helps with recruitment efforts (essentially any retention/acquisition strategy). It promotes further brand awareness as well by allowing for continuous audience touchpoints beyond just having one-way conversations sprinkled heavily with ads pushing tacky products no one needs!

At their core, these persistent yet diverse types of messaging pursue something simpler than Sparta's most famous resident looked to conquer: loyalty amongst followers while proving worthy adversaries to those not seeking conversion just yet. After all could there be any greater fate then being remembered?

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Onboarding New Customers: A trust-building drip campaingn can help you illustrate the value of your product or service, and turn customers into advocates for your business. You can also use it to reduce customer churn by automating mailers welcoming them onboard, instructing them on how to get started quickly, and reminding them of the latest offers.
  2. Re-engaging with Inactive Users: If a customer hasn't taken any action in months or years, don’t just give up on them - activate an email trigger that prompts them with related content and discounts based on their past shopping habits. This is an excellent way to remind users about why they joined you in the first place
  3. Survey Distribution & Feedback Collection: Need feedback from customers regarding products they've purchased? Use automated drip campaings with targeted survey forms at key touchpoints of their journey to collect data without having to manually set up emails every single time. The insights you gain will prove invaluable over time!
Drip campaigns offer businesses automated marketing processes to send tailored messages to their customers, helping increase engagement and conversions over time.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Welcome Series
  2. Re-Engagement Series
  3. Upsell Series
  4. Cross-Sell Series
  5. Lead Nurturing Series
  6. Client Onboarding Series
  7. Educational Content Drips
  8. Event Promotion Series
  9. Product Promotion/Launch Drip
  10. Abandoned Cart Drip

The evolution of 

Drip Campaigns

Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns have been around for quite some time now, and they've come a long way since their inception. Originally born out of the need to automate marketing processes and provide more personalised experiences to customers, this strategy has evolved into an invaluable tool that is widely-used in virtually all industries today.

Originally knowledge of coding was required to build 'drip campaigns', but with the emergence of automation tools and platforms, building these specific email sequences became much easier. Now, many businesses leverage these automated services - from small startups to big corporations - allowing them to create sequences tailored specifically to their customer's interests without having any technical skills or writing code.

In addition, advancements in artificial intelligence make it possible for unique features such as dynamic content and progressive profiling which let marketers design drip emails using adaptive tactics that see consumers get fewer generic ads and more relevant offers over time. Such customizable functions allow brands not only improve user experience by automatically sending the right message at the right time but also track performance so that those messages can be adjusted accordingly if needed – leading people closer towards conversion goals.  

Today, drip campaigns offer great potential to creators by providing personalization at scale while keeping cost low; empowered analytics with real-time reporting available; interface design which provides customization options tailored specifically each customer’s journey, as well as key integrations with third party services like CRMs, making data updates simpler than ever before. This allows marketers greater control over budget allocation and decision making.

Looking forward, we anticipate that new industry standards will be established in order for proper segmentation and analysis workflows across one system (not siloed). As the technology continues upon its path into further modern times we expect to see even faster personalized results being achieved on ever grander scales due solely through ‘drip campaigning’ alone!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. The use of automation in drip campaigns enables marketers to send the right message to their customers at the time they need it most, leading to an average 48% open rate.
  2. Automated drip campaign emails are opened 22% more often than traditional promotional email blasts.
  3. Drip campaigns powered by automation enable up to 10x faster response times for customers’ queries and concerns compared to manual processes.
  4. Automation helps marketers save an average 13 hours per week that can then be devoted on other tasks such as creation of new content or testing initiatives.
  5. According to Forrester Research, 48% of organizations currently use automated drip campaigns within their marketing mix — a number expected to grow exponentially over the next five years!
  6. By leveraging automation, companies typically experience a 136% increase in click-through rates with their emails when compared with non-automated scenarios.
  7. On average, companies using automation technology see as much as 68% improvement in engagement levels with prospects who complete a multi-stage automated journey versus those who don't receive an automated follow-up sequence after initial contact!
  8. Even those rugged Spartan warriors knew that staying relatively droopy was good strategy: That is why they embraced automatic drip campaigns and watched their returns skyrocket!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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