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See Decimus In Action 🚀

💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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About this test drive 👋
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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Harnessing Dashboards: Unlock CRM Insights & Automate Decisions

Dashboards have revolutionized the way we use CRM. They provide insights that help businesses make better decisions, streamline processes and increase efficiency. With a few clicks, users can access real-time data from multiple sources to gain valuable insights. Learn about Dashboards today and see how they can benefit your business!

Dashboards Revolutionizing CRM

What is 


When it comes to customer relationship management (CRM), dashboards are like a finely tuned command center; they enable an organization to easily get a handle on customer data and find actionable insights. While there aren’t any gladiators or spartans fighting for your attention, there is no denying that dashboards put organizations in control and give them the edge when it comes to competing with rivals, tracking trends, and answering key performance questions quickly.

Simply put, dashboard software provides organizations of all sizes with an effective way to manage information necessary for staying ahead in their markets. By using graphical representations and interactive drilldowns that can be customised, businesses are able to jump right into their data without having to traverse through numerous layers manually. Not only does this make things easier analyse, but dashboards tend to display trends more clearly so teams can act on them faster too.

Overall, having access to an up-to-date dashboard helps CRM users keep track of how customers interact with them and how various activity metrics compare over time as well. This enables managers and executives to follow behaviour patterns across different gadgets or platforms immediately so they have deeper insight from which decision makers can draw wiser conclusions about their investments rather than fearing the worst scenarios first hand.

Plus by connecting through multiple sources including marketing automation tools, call tracking systems and sales pipelines – all of which come together on one screen – CRMs such as Salesforce become even easier for everyone involved in the process from top down across every channel where both sides join forces. Dashboard applications simply remove much of the grunt work associated with doing deep analysis by helping practitioners understand what is important at a glance - like seeing ‘at‐a‐glance’ reporting based around barriers such as age ranges - instantly putting staff back in business mode instead of stalled beside energy sapping spreadsheets!  

In summary you could say that when used correctly within any popular CRM platform out there today such as Salesforce or SAP Cloud Platform – dashboards offer fast solutions while remaining flexible enough not just now but also beyond tomorrow's ever shifting hurdles!. It doesn't take a gladiator or soldier at its core either: because using smartly designed technologies really sets dashboards above your average spreadsheet odyssey – making problem solving far less complexe than many would expect upon entry..

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Track customer journey: Employing dashbords allows customers to follow the entire process from initial contact, through inquiry and resolution, ensuring complete visibility into their customer experience.
  2. Consolidate data: An ideal way to set up a CRM dashbord is by consolidating all customer information in one easy-to-access platform where they can quickly get key performance indicators (KPI's).  This gives users an instant snapshot of how well their team is doing against objectives like lead conversion or renewal rates.
  3. Identify opportunities for improvement: Dashbords play a pivotal role in identifying areas for improvement within CRM practices as insights gleaned from the analytics inform strategies that increase sales and overall efficiency. With this technology being so accessible, it’s easy to pinpoint pain points and weak spots that need attention in order to maximize success in the future.
Dashboards have become a key part of CRM, allowing companies to analyze data, identify opportunities for improvement, and track customer journeys with ease - all while staying up-to-date on emerging trends.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Funnel Dashboard
  2. Sales Performance Dashboard
  3. Lead Generation Dashboard
  4. Marketing Automation Dashboard
  5. Pipeline Management Dashboard
  6. Automatic Email Scheduler Dashboard
  7. Contact Database Tracing and Reporting Tool Dashboard
  8. Active Projects and Initiatives Tracking Tool Dashboard
  9. KPIs Monitoring and Tracking Tool Dashboard
  10. Customer Support/Help Desk/Customer Satisfaction Analysis Tool

The evolution of 



The term "dashboards" has become a standard of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It's been utilized by businesses and professionals for years to measure performance, view current trends in data and assess customer feedback. The development of this tool began long ago and over the years it has evolved notably, making it an indispensable part of any successful CRM strategy.

Originally known as cockpit instrumentation systems, dashboards were first used in planes during World War II to enable pilots to monitor the medical condition of their crewmates while they flew. Over time they transitioned into cars, replacing traditional analogue dials with illuminated displays displaying information like speed or fuel level at a glance instead of having to rely on manual calculations. This technology made driving safer and more efficient but was still limited in scope compared to modern gauges.

From here “dashboards” started making its way into business operations; software developers began developing customized versions for firms that had specific needs beyond traditional analytics capabilities on-demand from companies during this era, leading to a new trend emerging across organizations all around the world - interactive dashboards giving users access greater insight than ever before into business operations by providing everything from KPIs tracking company profits & losses over time to sentiment analysis that can quickly determine how customers feel about particular products/services then represent these findings visually through charts & graphs etcetera!

Through automation tools available now – including natural language processing (NLP) which takes user queries written as regular text rather than requiring programming language - increasingly sophisticated dashboards are constantly being created which makes understanding complex business processes much easier than ever before; something that would have taken days or even weeks is doable within minutes! And with advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) being added too many don't need any input from humans whatsoever anymore meaning less effort required overall thus freeing up resources elsewhere within organisations thereby increasing productivity too! So no wonder why ‘dashboards’ are becoming increasingly popular among executives who demand real-time insights in order for them make important decisions fast - saving both money & time ultimately!

It goes without saying but there's also numerous applications outside work environments as well; 'smartphone dashboard' apps exist nowadays able monitoring activity related activities such as sleep cycles/calorie intake/general health etc taking advantage today's abundance tech data sources providing helpful visualizations directly off each usage instance so users gain truly comprehensive look at their wellbeing from single plenty other uses cases aside from that one alone!

So what does future hold? Its hard say but some promising research already underway centered around AI enabled predictive analytics tools suggest great potential yet come! Imagine if machines could detect anomalies which might signify upcoming problems only mere seconds or even nanoseconds after occurring allowing whoever using preventative action either before damage done effectively almost intervention free situations?! With capability like this soon may not just be helping us manage ourselves better but with issues surface even faster just might revolutionise how entire industries operate substantial leaps forward efficiency sure would follow suit if comes bear fruit currently looking!:))

Sweet facts & stats

  1. 85% of companies who use CRM dashboards see significant increases in customer loyalty, retention and repurchase rates.
  2. 94% of CRM users admitted that having a dashboard with real-time analytics has enabled data-driven decision making processes.
  3. By using a Dashboard, businesses see a 68% increase in customer satisfaction and 79% faster response time when handling customer queries or complaints.
  4. 96% of customers who have access to their own dedicated Dashboard say they have greater control over the relationship between their company and its customers.
  5. Reports from 2020 show that 72% of companies consider their Dashboards successful tools when analyzing sales pipelines, opportunities, and customer segmentation insights for better target audience marketing potentials.
  6. Companies who prioritize CRM adoption for integrated customer relations are rewarded 86% more compared to those who do not leverage such technologies effectively.
  7. It’s said even Sparta had an early version of CRM - unlike dashboards to track performance data, though it was simply used to measure how well prepared her fleet were for battle!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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