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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unlock the Gladiator: Engaging Customers for Superior Performance

Customer engagement is key to a successful business. Modernizing it can help companies reach their goals faster and more efficiently. Learn about how Customer engagement can benefit your business today!

Customer Engagement Benefits Modernized

What is 

Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is a buzzword that you’ll hear all the time in the world of CRM. But what does it mean? Customer engagement is about taking active steps to engage with customers on an individual level, striving for their satisfaction and loyalty. It's an ongoing conversation between the customer and business, where parties are mutually willing to collaborate, support each other and achieve each others' goals.

Think of customer engagement like a spartan or gladiator in battle - prepared with confidence, knowledge and determination for every encounter that comes his way. Every problem must be confronted courageously, resolved quickly and efficiently as possible so that spoils of victory can be tasted sweetly at the end. Just like a warrior needs to understand his terrain down to its minutest details before facing any obstacle, the same applies when engaging with customers - having detailed background knowledge of them enables effective dialogue whether they're first-time buyers or long-term subscribers.

Ideally customer engagements should aim at achieving four objectives: increasing sales (both existing offers/products/services together with cross/upsell opportunities); enhancing brand loyalty through great experiences; reducing churn via trust-earning initiatives; helping turn passive customers into advocates who put faith in your product recommendations. In addition to providing useful content (advice or exclusive discounts), this process also involves deploying personalization techniques such as recognizing user activities across multiple channels or anticipating needs by sending relevant suggestions based on previously recorded behaviors.

While this journey isn't one race but several laps around the track, focusing on customer communication from start till finish gives everyone involved a daily reminder why it matters to stay ahead in company performance stakes! Engaging customers effectively not only helps determine areas where improvements can be made but also encourages active participation in defining personalized strategies about nurture campaigns as well as transitioning them across specific buyer journeys faster than ever before!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Utilize customer feedback channels - By listening to customers and gathering their honest views on your products or services, you can gain a valuable insight into what is driving them to engage with your brand. This provides crucial information for further customization of campaigns and product offerings according to specific user preferences.
  2. Send personalized emails - An effective CRM tool allows you to segment your customers into targeted groups and communicate in a highly relevant way through triggered messages sent at the right time. Not only that, but it also enables tracking of performance, actions taken by customers after receiving an email, rates of opened messages and more!
  3. Adapt content based on web behaviour - Analyzing website navigation paths as well as pages visited gives understanding about how users interact with our digital presence and what kind of content resonates most with a particular market demographic. Accordingly, customizing page layouts or developing new marketing materials based on these insights enhances customer engagment levels significantly!
Customer engagement is all about taking proactive steps to develop mutual trust and collaboration that positively impact both customers' satisfaction and business success.

Other relevant use cases

  1. personalized emails and messages
  2. sending out timely notifications or reminders
  3. social media interactions
  4. conducting surveys or polls
  5. providing special offers, discounts and rewards
  6. hosting events or workshops
  7. responding to customer inquiries promptly
  8. sharing relevant content
  9. initiating conversations with customers
  10. creating personalized customer experiences

The evolution of 

Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement

Customer engagement and its evolution within the larger environment of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been long-defined by a drive for modernizing customer service. It began as an effort to more quickly and efficiently answer questions, complete orders, handle returns, address complaints and provide assistance. In short, it was a tool to address anything that related in some way to customers and their interactions with an organization.

Over time and through numerous advances in technology, advancements in customer engagement have drastically changed how companies communicate with customers. This includes automated emails with details about new products or offers; personalized messaging based on data collected from past behaviors; segmentation strategies which involve grouping clients according to specific criteria like gender or age range; social media integration for responding to customer queries faster than ever before; comprehensive website designs compatible across all devices; more intuitive phone menus allowing direct access of specialty departments via IVR (Interactive Voice Response); improved chat experiences that focus on artificial intelligence assisted interaction rather than human input...and so much more!

The continued development of CRM technology as it relates to customer engagement is intended not just to provide convenience but also improve user experience - something which all types of businesses are continuously striving towards. The idea then is that highly engaged customers become lifelong brand ambassadors who help build both loyalty and advocacy among those who will follow in the same footsteps they did.

As we continue into the future with even greater technologies being employed around us, there's no denying that this particular aspect of CRM will be at the forefront for many years ahead. After all, focusing on better ways to engage consumers has been aiding industry success since inception - whether it be increased web traffic or augmented response rates or higher conversion rates - so why stop now? As such organizations should prioritize creating innovative engagements that encourages feedback from potential & current clientele alike if they wish to stay competitive during these unpredictable times ahead. By making sure things remain fresh yet still respectful of data privacy laws can greatly bolster presence without compromising safety protocols & regulations either¬– giving companies an edge against its competitors while simultaneously interpreting client wants & needs accurately – thus paving a successful path ahead through careful analysis & implementation methods.,

Overall we've seen how developments over the last few decades have pushed forward progress regarding customer engagement within CRM capabilities – each helping push us closer towards providing a seamless user experience no matter where our users may lie globally. With forecasting on this progress suggesting large marketshare shifts between those who embrace modernization versus those stuck behind legacy systems though – one must always look upon clarity when adding value back into their marketing initiatives instead of merely repeating mistakes already made decades ago!

Sweet facts & stats

  • 97% of companies that master customer engagement measurement see significant improvements in overall performance.
  • 67% of buyers noted that their expectations of a good customer experience have increased compared to one year ago.
  • 74% said they were more likely to recommend a company after a positive customer service interaction.
  • 79% reap financial benefits from improving the quality of their interactions with customers by using CRM software.
  • 47% say responsive and up-to-date feedback is key for better customer relationships and experience.
  • 57% believe the ability to quickly access data about customers unlocks the biggest potential for growth opportunities.
  • 65 % reported that receiving personalized offers drives satisfaction with their current providers.
  • 73 % cited relevant promotions as important elements when evaluating different companies.
  • 54 %% attest online surveys are essential in discovering value in long-term customers.
  • 58 % believe that timely follow ups lead to greater levels of sales and retention rates among existing partners.
  • And finally, 92%% of ancient Spartans used CRM software — or at least record runners did — due to the notoriously efficient nature of gladiatorial combat!

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