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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Harnessing Custom Audiences: Gladiators to Digital Warriors

Custom Audiences marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses. It enables them to target specific audiences and maximize their reach. Learn about Custom Audience today and see the potential it has for your business!

Custom Audience Power

What is 

Custom Audience

Custom audience is a powerful tool that marketers can use to help target advertisements (ads) on Facebook. It allows you to create specific groups of people from within your existing customer base in order to focus your ads on the people who are likely to be the most interested. You can do this with previous customers or contacts, new or returning website visitors, leads from other platforms and more.

Think of custom audiences as “gladiators” of targeted marketing - skilled warriors with more than one specialty weapon in their arsenal. Your job as a marketer is to identify the right audience and assign them each a different strategy so they can fight for engagement, increased sales, conversions and return visits.

Using Custom Audience will enable you to target users with highly personalized messages based on what pages they've liked and interacted with previously, demographics such as age group, geographic location etc., web history/ mobile app activity ,and even physical addresses — all building upon an already collected checklist of user data points. With digital advertising's ever-evolving nature it's important for marketers to customize campaigns according to their goals; Custom Audience makes this simpler by providing access to user information quickly and easily.

Creating custom audiences gives you the ability to take control over who sees your ad and measure how many times your selected group performs a specific action when interacting with your ad unit like click through rates (CTR). After measuring performance data against outcome metrics like traffic volume or online purchasing behavior you have accurate insight into true ROI instead of guess casting which areas may yield better results.

Overall, Custom Audience unlocks opportunities by allowing marketers greater personalization possibilities tailored towards a unique set of individuals rather than segmenting large numbers via general trends alone. Whether you're trying engage customers offsite or attract new site visitors these spartans undertake missions unlike any pre-existing options available – conquering lofty campaign heights without fail!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Leverage current customers - If you already have a mailing list of active or past customers, you can use “Custom Audiences” to target them directly in your ads. This way you can strenghtens relationships with these individuals and encourage them to continue being customers.
  2. Generate lookalike audiences - Facebook provides a powerful tool that allows marketers to create lookalike audiences from their existing customer data or website visitors so it is easier for you to reach those who could be your perfect match for the product or service offered by your company.  
  3. Retarget previous website visitors – By uploading leads, contact lists, & website visitors into “Custom Audience” platform, faceboook allows marketers advertise more specific initiatives and retarget consumers who are likely interested in learning more about what they saw on your site. This will allow sending relevant campaigns that guarantee better results of engagement.
Custom Audience is a powerful tool that marketers can use to target people more directly, allowing them to create lookalike audiences from existing customer data and website visitors and retarget previous consumers with highly personalized messages.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Previous customers
  2. Contacts from existing customer base
  3. New website visitors
  4. Returning website visitors
  5. Leads from other platforms
  6. People who liked your page or interacted with posts previously
  7. Demographic targeting (age group, location etc.)
  8. Users' web history/ app activity over time
  9. Physical address targeting
  10. Tweaking campaigns to goals and desired outcomes

The evolution of 

Custom Audience

Custom Audience

Custom audiences have been an essential element of Facebook ads since their introduction nearly ten years ago. Initially, they allowed advertisers to target a specific consumer group based on survey results, customer purchase data and other qualitative factors. Over the years, new capabilities were added to help tailor campaigns even further. This included targeting users by location, age range and other demographics – making it easier for brands to reach the right people at the right time with content that appeals more directly to them.

Just recently, there was another leap forward in custom audience technology when Facebook rolled out its ‘Lookalike Audience’ feature. This tool creates a list of similar users based on existing members who respond or engage positively with certain ads – allowing marketers to expand their customer base without needing additional personal information from customers. It also ensures messages get seen by those most likely to take action from them - optimizing ad spend and cutting through the digital noise that can otherwise hinder campaigns.

The future of custom audiences looks set to continue driving increased ad effectiveness too - with AI technologies helping customize communications even more finely while reducing manual effort needed in campaigns setup and management. Machine learning algorithms are already crunching massive amounts of data across numerous signals (including engagement rate, device type etc.) to send personalized messages at scale – something which is expected to become commonplace over the coming years.

In summary then, custom audiences have grown extensively over recent times - transforming the way businesses communicate on social media platforms like Facebook (and no doubt beyond). By better understanding their customers’ needs, advertisers can extend their reach in an effective manner; leveraging cutting-edge analytical power as part of an ever expanding toolkit tailor made for getting ahead in today's competitive landscape .

Sweet facts & stats

  • Custom audiences allow marketers to target users using existing subscriber lists, website activity interactions and mobile app activities.
  • With custom audiences, you can reach an audience of over 1 billion people based on their age, gender, location, interests and more.
  • One in ten Facebook Ads are shown to a custom audience (10%).
  • An estimated 64 million businesses around the world use Facebook ads with custom audiences.
  • 82% of marketers said that custom audiences from customer engagement helped drive ROI for their campaigns.
  • Gladiators in Ancient Rome weren't known for their digital marketing skills so it's no surprise that only 0.1% of Facebook Ads were directed at gladiators in comparison to today's 61% directed at a custom audience according to recent statistics.

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