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Righting the Course: Navigating Content Mktg

Content marketing is a winning strategy for any business. It helps build trust, engagement and loyalty with customers. Learning the basics of content marketing can help you create effective campaigns that drive results. Take the time to learn about Content Marketing and see how it can benefit your business!

Content Marketing Strategies

What is 

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the practice of engaging potential customers online with high-quality content intended to entertain, educate and inform. Through this method, businesses are able to build relationships with their audiences by providing value and establishing trust among their customer base. Content Marketing offers a variety of platforms for companies to create meaningful connections through video, podcasts, blogs, social media posts and other creative forms of expression; allowing them to stand out from the competition while generating leads at the same time.

When it comes to producing stimulating material as part of a content marketing strategy, there's no cutting corners - brands need to strive for quality not quantity. Like spartans or gladiators in an arena full of competitors fighting tooth-and-nail, organizations that adhere strictly to creating top-notch content will inevitably emerge victorious in the long run. It's not enough anymore just putting out any old piece of writing, if you're looking for your content to truly take off - be sure it ticks all the boxes for gripping readers: interesting subject matter matched with compelling visuals and accurate facts/data. Moving away from hard sells should always be top priority when deploying quality materials online because customers today look more so now than ever before towards buying from organizations they identify as credible sources capable of providing solutions instead of being sold things – something only great content can achieve.

Ultimately Content marketing needs investment in order for companies to reap its many rewards; but taking into consideration that effective strategies often include SEO optimization plus different types multimedia like animations and interactive user experiences — eventually turning those investments into tangible ROI results becomes easier overall compared with traditional methods alone.

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Creating a blog with high-value posts: Content markteing can be extremely effective at boosting brand awareness and credibility. By creating a blog filled with valuable content which attracts readers, businesses can develop relationships with their audience, establish thought leadership in the industry, and maximize conversions.
  2. Developing quality video content: When launching new products or services, companies often have to compete for visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). As such, producing great videos is essential; it’s one of the most effective ways to make sure businesses catches the attention of their target audience. With high-quality videos that entertain and educate viewers, companies can greatly increase engagement rates across web platforms as well as improve conversions down the line.
  3. Hosting podcasts & webinars: Podcasts are powerful tools to reach potential clients because they allow people to interact directly with experts in various fields. Webinars offer an even better approach when it comes to establishing long-term relationships since participants usually receive access to additional resources or even a Q&A session afterwards – both generating more leads for businesses in the process!
Content marketing has become essential for businesses to stand out, forming meaningful connections and generating leads through creative materials like blogs, videos, podcasts and social media posts.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Blogging
  2. Social Media Posts
  3. Video Production
  4. Infographics & Visuals
  5. eBooks & Guides
  6. Webinars & Podcasts
  7. Branded Content Pieces
  8. Case Studies, Testimonials or Reviews
  9. Email Newsletters
  10. Online Events & Contests

The evolution of 

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

For as long as marketing has been around, content has played an integral role. Fundamentally different from the traditional methods of advertising and promoting products, the concept of using information to attract customers is nothing new—but it's come a long way since its inception.

Content marketing started out in magazines and print publications, where sponsors could include their own content for readers such as recipes, stories and advice columns; this earliest form was known as advertorials. Around that same time, catalogs were becoming popular but still fairly slow-moving; businesses would draw attention by including free gifts or cleverly worded product descriptions rather than relying on sales numbers or discounts.

The internet changed everything for marketers, opening up rich opportunities for content creators. Video platforms began popping up everywhere and gave people even more ways to spread awareness of their businesses via unique visual messages. With this digital transformation came targeted campaigns involving blogs articles, infographics and more with links directing traffic right back to the company website. This allowed brands to track metrics like click-through rates while fostering real relationships with engaged audiences across all sectors of society.

Today we have social media marketing giants –– like Instagram influencers –– who are leveraging the power of storytelling through stunning visuals and relatable anecdotes to promote increased brand awareness. Content can also be used in email campaigns that nurture leads generation throughout various sales funnel stages without appearing overly promotional or slickly commercialized (aka spammy).

As technology becomes more deeply rooted in our lives every day (we’re talking AI bots now), so does the need for a well-thought-out approach when developing effective content strategies — because just randomly putting stuff out there won’t cut it anymore! Exactly how this will shape our future remains unclear… but one thing is certain: Content sure isn't going anywhere anytime soon!

Sweet facts & stats

  • Seventy-nine percent of marketers using content marketing believe it is effective.
  • Content marketing generates three times more leads than traditional outbound marketing and costs 62% less.
  • Ninety-two percent of marketers think that visual images are key to great content.
  • Blogging is the basis for most content strategy plans and almost 90% of companies use it for their marketing needs.
  • Businesses are expected to double their spending on creating high-quality content in 2020 compared to 2019 levels.
  • Companies that produce 16 or more pieces of content each month get 3x more traffic than businesses with 0-4 posts monthly.  
  • Over 70% of consumers prefer learning about a company from an article instead of ads from brands.
  • Adding videos to your website can increase conversion rates by 80%.
  • A whopping 92% of Gladiator spartan warriors who used "Content Marketing" triumphed in battle!

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