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See Decimus In Action 🚀

💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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About this test drive 👋
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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unleash Inner Gladiator with Carousel Ads

Unlock the wonders of Carousel ad! Discover unique opportunities to engage with your audience and build brand awareness. Learn about Carousel ad today and take advantage of its powerful features!

Carousel Ad Wonders Unlock

What is 

Carousel Ad

A carousel ad is like a particularly inviting kind of phad Thai. You get all the crisp, savoury and spicy elements of your favourite dish served up in different sections on your plate. In Facebook Ads, it’s just the same – you get multiple components for one price. A ‘carousal ad’ presents users with images and/or videos next to each other in a single post - think of it as an appetizer platter for engaging content. Users can scroll through the options, picking and choosing what pieces of information appeal most to them- essentially customizing their user experience like a buffet line!

As it allows users to move through quickly compared to static ads without having to continually click from page-to-page or tab over, carousel ads are like efficient gladiators charging into battle – they give you maximum visibility across feeds – saving time while maximizing interest.

Plus, this type of ad gives advertisers more control than ever before over how many products or services are presented at once. The great thing about carousel ads is that if you've got lots of content to share, such as multiple products or services on offer - no problem! Creatives can show off three images or videos side by side so that they always hit complete online punters perfectly every time! Just organize your content accordingly (a visual grid works well) - then sit back and watch as everything comes together in perfect harmony making it easy for readers to find what they need without missing out anything important from you along the way.

And best part? All this efficiency does not have to be sacrificed for aesthetics either; business owners have tons of room for creativity when utilizing this sleek format as carousel ads support vibrant imagery with detailed captions underneath each slide allowing extra space for whimsical storytelling - fusing visual design with copywriting wonders! It really is a win-win situation here folks: beautiful presentations coupled with inspiring language combining into one swoonworthy spinoff combination sure to score some cheerleader points from today's digital audience anytime!  

All this tells us that there’s plenty up social media mogul's sleeves when thinking about launching campaigns which involve powerful visuals as advertisers won't be shortchanged even if video production isn't their strong suit because emojis tendrils plus carousels equal major success everytime!. So don’t sleep on giving this appealing type of advert a whirl if sprucing up your armoury is something you had been pondering lately-just imagine those spartan warriors whose swiftness and agility make deadly foes almost incapable of piercing their shield ... neither will your prospective clients evade such an attractive display . So get ready to wow Twitterati any day now !

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Showcase products in different angles and highlight their key features with a Carousel ad, turning your collection of items into an enthralling digital exhibition.
  2. Invite viewers to get creative by personalising the product they envisioned with the use of multiple slides in a Carousel ad that shows off the customisable aspects of your offerings.
  3. Create an animated story from start-to-finish, driving attention to your brand by utilising dynamic visuals in each slide presented within a single piece of content, including eye-catching videos or images for maximum impct.
Carousel ads are an efficient and stylish way to engage customers, allowing them to experience a powerful array of visuals for one price - helping advertisers maximize visibility while keeping design aesthetic intact!

Other relevant use cases

  1. Selling a new fashion line
  2. Promoting a special offer
  3. Launching a travel package
  4. Showcasing different parts of an event venue
  5. Highlighting features of a product
  6. Advertising multiple locations for service centers
  7. Announcing the release of a new app
  8. Introducing several teachers in an educational institution
  9. Telling stories behind restaurant dishes
  10. Offering step-by-step tutorials on how to use software

The evolution of 

Carousel Ad

Carousel Ad

Carousel ad has made quite the journey over Facebook’s lifetime. It wasn't always around, but when it was rolled out – with a bang! – in 2013, marketers and businesses alike quickly adopted the format for its multiple images displayed to tell stories . With this emerging trend of creating mini-galleries had begun.

As time went on, different variations were forged by innovators as they sought more ways to reliably engage their audiences while letting them control how they interacted with an advertisement at their own pace. Nowadays, carousels are integral parts of online marketing campaigns across social media and regularly being used in business advertisements and content promotions; even though the originators didn’t anticipate it leading to this level of success.

Advertisers love that something which was so humble and understated is now commonplace enough to introduce into their diversified marketing strategies without difficulty or heavy instrumentation. Initially marketed only for mobile devices, Carousel Ads have since become compatible with desktop versions too — along with some powerful new features such as links to webpages outside of Facebook. This allows wider audience reach for high quality organic content– definitely not just cat videos!

So you can see why Carousel Ads have proved popular – who doesn’t want those multi layered experiences? It's no wonder that advertisers all over the world having been flocking towards the platform arm in arm like moths to a flame ever since Facebook began offering these options back in ‘13...  although who coulda possibly predicted that!? The arrival of Instagram Shopping feature implementation (and subsequent removal) signalled yet another giant leap forward when it comes allowing users access better product information through interactive stories via Instagram posts linked up directly integrable product lines appended thereon; making 21st century advertising easier than ever.

In essence then, if a picture paints a thousand words then putting several together make one massive story; an entire novel oozing from consumer engagement initiatives across each successive swipe-producing emotions sensations never before seen in marketing efforts EVER before! It almost makes you chuckle wondering what sort innovative advancements might come about next year... keep your eyes peeled!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Carousel ads have a higher click-through rate than single image and video ads, with an average of 10x more engagement.
  2. The use of carousel ad images can significantly lift overall conversion rates by up to 30%.
  3. Over 65% of small businesses are now leveraging carousel ads as part of their mobile marketing strategy.
  4. Having complex carousels on Facebook Ads impacts performance adversely; simple and clean design performs the best with audiences.
  5. 52% of consumers make purchases due to seeing a carousel ad, making them one of the most persuasive digital advertising formats available today.
  6. Most popular products featured in carousel adverts showcase travel experiences, beauty products & household items respectively.
  7. Were the Spartans bravely defending their home during battle? Nope, they were actually just trying to win an online contest sponsored by Facebook Ads and Carousel Ad impressions!

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