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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Winning Customer Engagement with CRM Campaigns

Campaigns are essential for any successful CRM strategy. To maximize ROI, it's important to understand the best practices and winning strategies of Campaigns. Learn about Campaigns and how they can help you grow your business!

Campaigns: CRM Winning Strategies

What is 


In the world of customer relationship management (CRM), campaigns are like an army of spartans, fighting in a continuous battle to convert potential customers into loyal ones. Put simply, they're centralized strategies designed to nurture leads and drive conversions across multiple channels – from search engine marketing to video advertising.

Think of campaigns as coordinated maneuvers that help you score victories with your prospects by trying various tactics. You could send out high-value email newsletters offering exclusive deals, launch website personalization campaigns tailored to their preferences or create adaptive, segmented landing pages based on user behavior. The list goes on and such variety is essential for achieving success and increasing ROI.

It's not unlike the same way gladiators took different approaches when entering the Colosseum arena: some launched surprise attacks backed by fervor while others relied on agility; some offered intricate defense while others favored wrathful offensive gambits. Similarly, campaigning means staying creative and experimenting with fresh tactics in an ever-changing battlefront marked by abundant competition.

A successful campaign requires keeping tabs on engagement rates for each channel – measuring metrics such as open rates, click-throughs and conversion figures – so that course corrections can be made quickly should any tactic fail to deliver results up to par or produce no response at all. Staying ahead means judgment calls which buckle strategy without settling for recurrences; particularly when applied over the long haul with tweaks along the way instead of maintaining a static approach throughout its life cycle.

At its heart, campaigning is all about putting users where you want them – placing desired actions within easy reach yet doing it tastefully rather than manipulative 'cold calling' efforts can easily repel audiences unwantedly if not done judiciously enough. Consequently,"campaigning" as part of good CRM stands for tactfulness above adeptness; utilizing singular skill sets to ensure there’s always room for engagement in a savvy but sensitive manner what does bellwether need too much more effort upfront prove more rewarding down the line due it personalized touch delivers better results than veiled one size fits all tactics .  

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Creating targeted camapigns with customer segmentation: Identify the key customer segments that have the highest conversion rate and target them with special messages specific to their needs and interests. Include images, videos, or visuals along with personalized text to grab your audiences’ attention.
  2. Automating camapigns for enhanced efficiency: Set up an automated camapign process within your CRM software that allows you to send out customized emails based on user actions such as opening an email or clicking a link. This will save you time and resources while also maximizing your reach and engagement levels.
  3. Analyzing camapign results to monitor progress: After every camapign is complete, analyze different metrics including clicks, conversions, open rates, bounce rates etc., & assess how successful it was in terms of achieving its goals. Use these insights to make improvements in future camapigns & ensure better results going forward.
From automated email marketing to social media campaigns and reward programs, customer-relationship management (CRM) has become a vital tool to help companies promote loyalty and grow their customer base.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Email marketing campaigns
  2. Targeted content campaigns
  3. Cross-channel marketing campaigns
  4. Search engine advertising campaigns
  5. Remarketing campaigns
  6. Social media promotions campaigns
  7. Loyalty programs/rewards-based campaigns
  8. Special offers & discounts promotional campaign
  9. One-time users reactivation campaign
  10. Video advertising launch campaign

The evolution of 



Campaigns have been a staple of the customer-relationship management (CRM) space since its inception. It all began with companies wanting to maintain customer loyalty and develop customer engagement; thus, they began using campaigns as a way to bring customers back into their fold. Fast-forward to today, and the use of campaigns has evolved significantly. Companies are now utilizing CRM strategies that focus largely on understanding their customer in order to tailor campaigns accordingly – thus increasing the efficacy of their outreach efforts.

Moving forward, it's expected that this trend will only continue upwards due to advances in technology and data analytics – making it easier for companies to collect data at scale and analyse it effectively. We’ll also likely see more “hyper-personalised” approaches as well, where companies take into account individual histories - rather just averages across entire demographics - when crafting campaigns tailored to specific customers or segments. The sky's the limit when it comes to improvements in campaign effectiveness thanks to CRM best practices!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. 75% of organizations increased their investment in CRM-based campaigns in 2020.
  2. More than 50% of all sales leads come from marketing campaigns.
  3. On average, companies with more active campaigns achieve 40% higher customer growth rate compared to those that don’t.
  4. An estimated 85% of businesses use email as the main channel for running their campaigns in order to reach out to customers or prospects on a wide scale cost-effectively and quickly.
  5. Multiple automated emails sent during one campaign results in an average 269% increase in click rates and 80% rise in conversion rates compared to a single email dispatched at once.
  6. As many as 73%, clients prefer being contacted via social media channels; this trend has also been pushed by 54% of marketers who believe campaign success depends on effective use of these mediums as well as other digital tools like SMS, push notifications and web pop ups etcetera,.
  7. Spartan warriors were renowned for never failing an army marching campaign – they only came back victorious!

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