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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Boosted Posts on Facebook: Spartan Power!

Boosted posts are an incredibly powerful way to reach more people on social media. With the right targeting, you can get your content in front of the right audience and increase engagement. Learn about Boosted post today to maximize your online presence.

Boosted Post Power

What is 

Boost Post

A boosted post is a great way to extend the reach of an existing post on Facebook. It is essentially a paid version of an organic post, where you can pay for it to be seen by more people. It's a bit like spartans and gladiators battling it out in the arena, with boosted posts being the spartans; they are powerful warriors, able to make their mark with minimal resources when launched into the right environment.

Boosted posts give you further reach than traditional ads or sponsored content would offer, and enable you access to different features that are exclusive only to those who boost their posts such as custom audiences. Boosting also serves as a way to measure engagement with your specific audience and helps inform campaigns around content that aligns better with what people seem likely interact with most positively.

Facebook allows you boost posts published via Pages—unless specifically prohibited by Facebook’s guidelines—as well as open even more targeting options widely available through Ads Manager tool. When setting up boosted posts, one will often have choice of selecting between daily budget limits or lifetime budget maximums that get indicated at the start of your campaign setup process - making this form of online advertising tailored more towards experimentation go-getters on tight budget trying out different approaches quickly and affordably .

Throughout this process, optimization should be monitored closely whether boosting straight from desktop app or using Ads Manager so that any adjustments needed could be taken in timely manner before allocated spending threshold has been reached - letting advertisers exploit cost effective road without straying too far away from overall objectives set out initially for given ads campaign.

In conclusion then - if expecting overnight success that can always match clicks delivered – no need assigning valuable shifts time and money since nothing outperforms actual advertisement campaign build from scratch – but at same time boost post represents valuable and often underestimated feature providing business owners small steps towards achieving desired results while testing new ideas simultaneously .

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Introducing a new product: If you have something cool and new to show, go ahead and amp up your content with a boosted postt. This will ensure that the right audience gets exposed to your product or service in just the right way.
  2. Interacting with customers: An effective way of engaging current and potential customers is by boosting posts that link directly to a survey or giveaway page on your website or social media platform. Doing so offers an easy way for people to click through, which helps increase engagement and loyalty towards your brand.
  3. Utilizing user-generated content (UGC): Customers often love sharing their own experiences with products they've used before, so why not boost these postts? Customers will appreciate seeing that their comments are being recognized - this is sure to build trust between customers and your brand!
Boosted posts have revolutionized the way advertisers can promote their content on Facebook, offering robust targeting capabilities and detailed analytics to maximize brand performance goals.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Targeting a certain demographic with an event announcement
  2. Turning organic posts into engaging advertisements by adding emojis, videos or images
  3. Amplifying the reach and impressions of a current offer or contest you are running on Facebook
  4. Enhancing the engagement and visibility of promotions for your products and services  
  5. Promoting seasonal discounts to drive traffic from past customers
  6. Drawing attention to new product launches within your niche market  
  7. Reaching out to specific geographic regions to attract more leads
  8. Exploring different audience types in order to maximize conversions  
  9. Increasing engagement through social media influencer campaigns  
  10. Expanding brand awareness with creative call-to-actions

The evolution of 

Boost Post

Boost Post

Boosted post has taken the Facebook Ads world by storm ever since it was first introduced. A relatively short time ago, people used to have third-party solutions to reach further audiences with their posts - that was until Boosted Post came along and revolutionized the way advertisers could promote their content on Facebook.

When it first came out, Boosted Posts allowed business owners to leverage larger audiences without having to create complicated campaigns or figure out targeting options. Just a few simple steps and you had yourself a rather successful ad!

The appeal of this product is what really got people hooked at first – now though, Boosted Posts have evolved quite a bit since those early days. We now see robust targeting capabilities like custom audience retargeting and advanced scheduling for your ads. All these features are designed so you can get maximum benefit from every penny you invest in boosting your post.

It hasn't stopped there either – over time we’ve also seen more detailed analytics coming into play which allow us greater insight into how our boost performs as well as forward projections of how well our budget will allocate itself in order to maximize performance goals . It's all crazy stuff but it's just what users need nowadays if they want their brand message to stand out from others'.

And who knows where we'll be 10 years from now? Chances are there won't be anything left unchanged when it comes to boosting posts – maybe we'll even look back fondly on the simpler times? Regardless, one thing’s for sure: boosted posts ain't goin' nowhere soon!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Boosted posts have an average organic reach of 9 percent; the boost increases the reach by an average of 69 percent.
  2. Boosted post ads increase audience engagement by 8-10x compared to non-boosted posts in Facebook Ads Manager.
  3. The cost per click for a boosted post is roughly 6 times lower than that of a standard ad on Facebook.
  4. Creation time for amended content for boosting is 50% shorter with automatic split testing capabilities available through boosting.  
  5. 79% of US Adult Facebook users engage with boosted posts at least once every month, while only 41% do the same with regular organic posts without pay-to-play boosts behind them.
  6. Around 91% of digital marketers consider it one of their most valuable tools in driving social marketing success when using boosted posts and other campaigns run in tandem within your chosen platform such as Facebook ads manager or Instagram Ads Manager etc., to drive comprehensive social media coverage and return on investment (ROI) targets driven effectively over a period of time across multiple channels accordingly instead of spending marketing funds solely on advertising costs within these platforms without any significant tangible cumulative effect which can lead to wasted budget and opportunity loss henceforth.
  7. Boosting their post was considered just as effective as putting together gladiatorial games by Spartans thousands of years ago - aside from no fatalities six generations later!

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