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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unlock Big Data & AI: Spartan Strategies

Big data is revolutionizing the world of AI. As organizations use more and more data, they can gain insights faster than ever before. With these insights, businesses can make decisions that are better informed and improve their operations. To take advantage of this opportunity, learn about Big Data today!


Big Data Revolutionizing AI

What is 

Big Data

Big data is an incredibly complex concept and a hot topic in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. Put simply, it refers to large datasets whose sheer amount or type requires algorithms beyond conventional computing architectures to process, analyze and generate usable information from them. The compounding size and complexity of structured as well as unstructured data being created at unimaginable speeds means that staying on top of your “big game” can really feel like fighting a never-ending battle in the digital arena. It’s kind of like how spartans would go up against their enemies in ancient times -the difference being that here the enemy is constantly shifting!

As AI has advanced exponentially over recent years, so too has our capacity for creating and managing massive data sets from which useful insights can be derived across industry sectors - healthcare, business analytics, finance etc. For example such data could reveal correlations between an initial event or cause with an eventual outcome related to product launches, stock exchange trends or patient diagnosis - thus allowing us to steer future course through proactive measures rather than reactive ones. This puts Big Data right at the heart of many decision making processes today given its ability to detect subtle patterns which may otherwise be missed.

For those seeking deeper leverages over the competition however having superior accuracy alone isn't enough just as any gladiator would know when it comes time for combat.. Utilizing sophisticated modelling techniques gives you access to stupendous amounts of intelligence generated by combining multiple sources across two separate machine learning categories - supervised learning & unsupervised learning. We won’t bore you with all the technicalities here but suffice it say this is where Big Data embarks upon its quest for efficiencies allowing us create multifold solutions to more accurately predict outcomes even when faced with missing values or incomplete information due to noisy data readings.

In summary whilst not everyone may fully understand what lies beneath those three little words "Big Data", rest assured they are revolutionizing how we interact with intelligent machines which ultimately leads us closer towards fulfilling robotic dreams both past & present! And if all else fails think about how you'd wouldn't have made it out alive centuries ago without a few rousing battle cries ("Remember Sparta!") under your belt...

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Leveraging big data to process large ammounts of data and develop smarter algorithms for artficial intelligence systems, enabling faster and more accurate predictions for users.
  2. Using big data to identify patterns in data sets that provide insigths into complex problems and create AI solutions with higher accuracy rates.
  3. Implementing big data technologies to make deep learning models capable of adressing a wider range of tasks, reducing development times as well as overall cost effectiveness.
Big Data and AI have revolutionized our ability to process, analyze and gain insights from large datasets for decision making across many industries, enabling smarter algorithms and predictive maintenance measures.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Machine Learning algorithms for data analysis and predictions  
  2. Utilizing sophisticated modelling techniques to combine multiple sources for better outcomes
  3. Raw data processing in structured and unstructured forms
  4. Generating usable insights from huge volumes of information
  5. Data visualization tools to track correlations between initial causes and eventual outcomes
  6. Combining supervised learning and unsupervised learning methods on a large scale  
  7. Automated error detection processes to improve accuracy of AI programs
  8. Social media analytics for understanding consumer behavior & preferences
  9. Predictive maintenance measures using big data solutions
  10. Leveraging advanced computing architectures to store, access and manage terabytes of data

The evolution of 

Big Data

Big Data

Big data has been a major part of artificial intelligence since it first began to emerge. What started out as the analysis of data collected from a few sources quickly evolved into something that is used for much more complex yet important tasks.

Initially, big data was mainly focused on large-scale datasets and mapping sequences between them, allowing users to draw meaningful insights from their patterns. In the coming years, its capabilities expanded even further with improved algorithms and machine learning - this allowed AI systems to extract increasingly complex conceptual knowledge from Big Data sets. For example, anomaly detection, classification and forecasting are prime examples of what big data can do in the context of AI technologies today.

This ever-evolving technology promises to revolutionize many aspects of our lives in the future. It will be instrumental when solving problems related to analytics on bigger scale than we have ever seen before – like drug development, environment protection or consumer behaviour prediction – just to name a few. Large companies such as Google and Facebook already use Big Data's potential massively across all areas - whether that’s analyzing real-time video content or helping firms improve customer service experience predictively through sentiment analysis and natural language processing tools.

At present, we've only scratched the surface regarding what this amazing technology can do but if given enough time and resources perhaps we could eventually create an omni-capable system which would combine all aspects of AI with comprehensive databases in order replicate different scenarios near perfectly! As incredible as this vision may sound these days, never say never – who knows what advances await us tomorrow?

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Over 86% of businesses are using “Big data” and artificial intelligence for business decision making.
  2. The global market size for “Big data” and AI has increased by over 54 billion from 2018-2020, with predictions that it will keep growing at a rate of almost 20% per year until 2025.
  3. By 2022 the average spending on AI projects is expected to be $107 billion worldwide.
  4. Journey analytics can provide companies with up to 33% more precise customer insights when utilized correctly together with “Big data” and AI tools.
  5. Companies within the financial industry reported an increase of 45% in annual profits after implementing solutions utilizing “Big Data” and AI algorithms to automate processes throughout their operations.  
  6. In marketing, 63% of CMOs use or plan to use “Big Data” as a key element in their strategies, while 71% believe that new technologies such as Big Data offer more opportunities than risks for them in terms of increasing ROI on investments made into their related activities.
  7. An estimated 80% of all written human history has been generated within the last two years--a testament to just how much overwhelming importance organizations now place on leveraging outdated information through larger datasets enabled by ‘big data’ & artificial intelligence systems in order to draw knowledge from it quickly & accurately!
  8. Legend tells us only one out of every five mighty spartans were able to make decisions fast enough without suffering through painful mistakes --a stat that's improved greatly today thanks to advancements in big data & machine learning capabilities!

Decimus AI catapults your sales by automating your sales appointment scheduling with artificial intelligence and multi-channel communication.

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