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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Unlock Targeted Audience Success

Audience is the key to success. Targeting your audience correctly helps you maximize results and get the most out of your efforts. Knowing who you're trying to reach can help you craft messages that resonate with them, leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates. Learn about Audience targeting today!

Audience Targeting for Success

What is 


When it comes to marketing, Audience is the name of the game. The term 'Audience' refers to the group of people that a company, brand or organization attempts to reach through their marketing campaigns and initiatives. It encompasses all potential customers and prospects who are relevant in terms of demographics, psychographics and other characteristics, who can also be influenced by exposure to advertising materials.

Think of your Audience as the spartans at the gladiatorial games - they’re there for some good ol’ fashioned entertainment - you must keep them enthralled if you want a successful campaign! To achieve this effectively requires thorough planning around knowing what moves will entertain them: what they want, need and respond best to; then taking these elements into consideration when constructing your messages – from headline down. Knowing your audiences enables you to craft messages suited precisely for them boosting engagement rates substantially.

Choosing an effective target Audience can turn a mediocre marketing strategy into an absolute banger! You have no chance without understanding your audience; not only do you risk getting lost in translation but fail at achieving overall goals too! As such market research plays massive role in getting a handle on market dynamics which ultimately feed into crafting tailored communication plans meant just for specific audiences based scenarios so that expectations are met or exceeded.

It cannot be overstated how critical targeting correctly is as well as having clear objectives set out beforehand defining success criteria along with ensuring resources are optimally distributed across activities such that impacts while interests generated last beyond launch events utilizing thoughtful follow ups that stay top of mind whether its users side projects connecting people together via chats or reminders through SMSs featuring exclusive offers now available tailored just for Audiences already engaged previously because the wheels were oiled & revved up right before let loose within perfect launch windows instantly amassing due recognition finishing with thunderous applause… meaning job done & mission accomplished!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Identifying a Target Audiance: Gathering data to learn who your target audiance is, such as by demographics, activities and interests, enabling you to focus on the right people with highly targeted maketing tactics.
  2. Creating Engaging Content: Crafting content specifically oriented towards appealing to the interests of a particular audiance group, customizing maketing messages and delivering what they are looking for.
  3. Analyzing Effectiveness: Examining metrics from engagement campaigns or interactions in order to interpret how successful efforts have been in reaching an intended audiance and inspiring desired behaviours or results.
Audience is key to crafting effective marketing campaigns and initiatives, requiring thorough planning around knowing what the target needs, wants and responds to for maximum engagement.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Potential Buyers
  2. Decision Makers
  3. Existing Customers
  4. Key Influencers
  5. Social Media Followers
  6. Newsletter Subscribers    
  7. Broader Market Sectors
  8. Niche Areas of Interest    
  9. Location-Specific Markets
  10. Localized Cultures

The evolution of 



The concept of Audience has been around since advertising first started. Over the years, it has grown from a broad understanding of potential customers to an intricate and comprehensive system that impacts marketing decision-making at nearly every level. From radio commercials to digital campaigns, companies have always looked for ways to target their messages in order to reach the right people with the right message.

Building a solid understanding of audience segments is key to delivering relevant messages and providing meaningful ROI. This used to be an arduous task - marketers had no way of knowing if they were getting their message in front of the correct segment without accurate data or manual market research – but as technology advanced and new sources of customer information became available, things began to change quickly. Now technology allows businesses to gain insights into who their target audience comprises, what drives them and even how they interact with products and services before making a purchase.

In recent years specifically there has also been a shift in terms of who brands should design for as customers become increasingly discerning about their values matching those presented by companies selling products or services. The onus has moved away from ‘push’ messaging directed at any user regardless of interest, values or lifestyle characteristics; towards much more personalized ‘pull’ engagement designed specifically for certain groups within specific demographic categories..

These days, driving successful marketing campaigns requires building an immersive experience tailored around both brand identity & buyer preferences which provides connecting points through relevant content & creative approaches that capture today's consumers attention beyond simply speaking at them. Greater investment in this area (development costs) coupled with improvement across media channels (paid search cost per click ratio) helps ensure that targeting based on factors like geography, age range & behaviour becomes not only viable but easily measurable through tools such as analytics software giving marketers powerful insight for optimization decisions moving forward..

As audiences evolve further over time due to changes such social trends & rapid advancement in technology solutions organizations must continue investing in staying ahead by researching demographics regularly, utilizing AI enabled solutions which enable adaptive personalization aligned with changing needs/wants & embrace new opportunities socially leade initiatives can bring afford otherwise impossible opportunities across platforms bearing positive impact on campaign success overall . Going forward we can expect Audience terminology being synonymous amongst regular strategy conversations whilst focusing organisations spending increasing amounts aligning value propositions under unified objectives powered by data driven insights both analysts drive1>

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Brands are 57% more likely to acquire new customers through an earned audience than by paid advertising.
  2. Consumers watch 21 minutes and 11 seconds of online video per day, on average.
  3. Millennials account for 20 percent of all online purchases made in the US in 2018.
  4. YouTube has over 2 billion users logging in monthly making it the world’s second largest search engine after Google Search.
  5. 77% of audiences actively follow or engage with social media pages from brands they trust/like or have had a positive experience with before — making relationships key to marketing success!  
  6. 90% of marketers agree that retaining their existing customer is cheaper than acquisition – strong loyalty goes far!
  7. Savvy content-hungry spartans used catchy slogans and stories to draw massive crowds—a type of ‘audience marketing’ back then!

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