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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Advertisers' Undying Fervor: Spartan Warriors & FB Ads

Advertisers have evolved with Facebook Ads. They now have access to better targeting, optimization tools, and creative options that help them achieve their goals. Learn about Advertisers and how they can use these features to create successful campaigns.

Advertisers Evolve with Facebook Ads

What is 


Advertisers in the context of facebook ads are like spartans - they too are warriors, but instead of fighting with swords and shields they’re swinging mighty pickaxes through mountains of virtual data. Advertisers go behind the scenes to craft detailed plans for effective campaigns on social media platforms.

Think about it this way: advertisers construct custom-fit armor, weapons and battle strategies that can save companies a lot of work – not to mention money. Meanwhile, those pesky gladiators – or competitors – lurk out there in the shadows just waiting for you to slip up so they can swoop in and claim your hard-earned rewards. It's cutthroat stuff!

Advertisers use their finely honed expertise to carefully survey markets before figuring out what gear and strategies will bring victory. By analyzing campaigns, A/B testing ideas, utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology and more, savvy marketers know how to trump competition time after time. They live by an unwritten code: Keep learning always!

It takes brains beyond data crunching and market research too; advertisers need skills in copywriting, website design and development as well as analytics awareness to ensure success year after year.  After all, Facebook Ads is more than just a place where brands post offers; it’s also a place where relationships bloom between businesses and customers when campaigns hit the right notes!

And so we pay tribute these days when friends ask “what do you do?”– Today we honor them proudly with an answer like "Oh I'm one of those Spartans" because hell hath no fury like an advertiser who knows how social media works!

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Advertisers can create campaigns specific to their desired target audience and evaluate results in real time to quickly make adjustments as needed, taking advantage of the vast reach and granular targeting provided by Facebook Ads.
  2. Applying sophisticated methods such as lookalike audiences, ads optimization tools, A/B testing for creatives and copy can allow advertisers to successfuly fine-tune their campaigns for improved performance. Connecting with their customers on a personal level by utilizing powerful creative solutions or launching local-level initiatives enables advertisers to foster relationships between them and those they’re looking to reach.
Advertisers have come a long way since their Spartan roots and can now cleverly craft campaigns that yield successful results with the help of sophisticated tools.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Social Media Strategists
  2. Campaign Managers
  3. Digital Marketers
  4. Creative Directors
  5. AI Specialists
  6. Content Writers
  7. Graphic Designers
  8. Data Scientists
  9. Web Developers
  10. Analytics Experts

The evolution of 



Advertising on Facebook has come a long way since its first steps. Although its beginnings are more recent than traditional advertising, the evolution of "advertisers" on Facebook has been nothing short of remarkable. Starting off as an interesting experiment for marketers back in 2007, many businesses have seen the potential in leveraging this platform to reach their target audience and benefit from brand awareness.

Fast forward to 2020, “advertisers” have become increasingly sophisticated due to niche targeting capabilities and complex machine learning algorithms which allow them to create campaigns that reach exactly who they want with ad content tailored accordingly. Thanks to these tools, it is easier than ever before for companies to run highly effective campaigns without breaking the bank.

Despite having experienced great success, there is still room for improvement when it comes to “advertisers". As user behaviour continues to evolve and new technologies come into play, we can expect exciting advances over the years ahead including greater precision in messaging alignment and optimization techniques that focus on delivering better value for each dollar spent by businesses.

All things considered, it seems likely that “advertisers” will continue soaring in popularity within the near future if not further down the road - presenting us with immense opportunities for inspiring creativity and providing even greater value along the way - especially under those pesky characters restrictions!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. 85% of marketers believe that Facebook ads are important for their business.
  2. 70% of advertisers find that their return on investment (ROI) from Facebook was either same or better than other marketing strategies.
  3. The average cost-per-click (CPC) on Facebook Ads is $1.72 worldwide and $0.97 in the U.S., compared to Google AdWords’ costs of $2 and CPC of $21 respectively
  4. 71% of those who invest in Facebook Ads see increased sales within 30 days or less after launch
  5. 77 % percent use mobile app install ads to grow user base
  6. Over 6 million advertisers leverage the power of targeted advertising through Facebook Ads
  7. 64% say they have seen a significant growth in reach as well as website visits since investing in Facebook Ads and only 18 percent disagree
  8. Interestingly, back when Spartans were at war, they still wanted more effective ways to advertise their battle shields--even though there was no concept of "facebook ads" yet!

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