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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Ad Targeting: Reaping Rewards with Precision & Intuition

Ad targeting is a powerful tool for unlocking sweet spots to reach your target audience. By understanding how to use it effectively, you can maximize the return on your ad spend and get the most out of your campaigns. Learn about Ad Targeting today and start driving real results!

Ad Targeting: Sweet Spots

What is 

Ad Targeting

Ad targeting is like a combat-prepared Spartan or Gladiator with their target firmly in sight. It's the process of selecting specific segments of an audience to serve ads to on social media platforms, such as Facebook. The goal is to have relevant messages delivered to the people most likely to convert into customers.

With ad targeting, social media marketers can identify and segment audiences based on criteria including age, gender, location, interests and more. By considering aspects that match up with demographics and purchase behavior patterns, you can create custom-made campaigns for individual customer groups for a more efficient ad spend based on ROI optimization tactics.

The intuitive power of ad targeting lies in its ability to reduce waste by granting brands visibility only where it matters most - while keeping budget overspending in check! In other words: You don't just end up hurling your message at whoever crosses paths with it; you take aim at precisely who needs (and might want) what you offer – and only those people will be able see your posts in their newsfeeds. This precision cuts down on needless advertising billboards across the digital airspace here today gone tomorrow... all without wasted energy honing in on individual users manually one by one!

Ad targeting helps segment TV viewers according to their likes and dislikes so they don’t get bombarded with irrelevant ads or products not suitable for them. This makes each user experience unique – whether through email personalization or seeing personalized product recommendations displayed when visiting certain websites derived from past purchases etc.. With this sort of directed approach tailored towards potential buyers, advertisers gain valuable insights about preferences helpful in generating maximum conversion rates overall - making sure everyone stretched hard earned dollars are being put towards optimal returns instead!

Ultimately, social advertisers discover new opportunities with targeted strategies as powerful tools allowing them to reach tightly defined customer niches with detailed accuracy while remaining cost-effective - enabling extra bangs-for-the bucks results along the way too! That said; Ad targeting offers myriad advantages worth considering if looking for measurable success online (…just look how far the Spartans got ‘em!).

How you can leverage it in your business

  1. Create Audiences Based on Interests and Behaviour – Target audiences that are more likely to interacr by creating custom audiences based on interests linked with the product/service being advertised and behaviour such as previous website visits or existing subscribers/customers.
  2. Narrow Down Location-wise Targeting – Set a geographic region for an ad campaign, whether it’s a specific city or country, so that seperate campaigns can run in different areas at once without having to create multiple versions of an ad.
  3. Find Your Niche Demographics – Focus on the demographic details of who will most likely be interested in your product, like gender, age group, language preferences, educational level etc., which further define the audience segment you wish to target and make sure ads reach their intended audience.
Ad targeting is a powerful tool that allows businesses to reach their target audiences more effectively, with the potential for increased conversions and budget optimization.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Demographic targeting
  2. Geographic targetin
  3. Interest-based targeting
  4. Behavioral targeting
  5. Personalization of ads
  6. Connections Targeting
  7. Video viewership retargeting  
  8. Lookalike Audiences/Similar audiences  
  9. Custom audiences through website tracking pixels, email list uploads, etc., and  10 Platform partner categories

The evolution of 

Ad Targeting

Ad Targeting

Ad targeting has been a part of the Facebook Ads landscape for some time now. It all started when Facebook enabled its advertisers to customize their ads according to location, demographics or interests. This gave them far greater control over how and who saw their adverts; what used to be a relatively random approach was suddenly crystal clear.

The history of Ad targeting on Facebook stretches back even further however, with the launch of custom audiences in 2012 offering businesses an incentive to upload their customer data into the platform - providing that they consented first, of course. Fast forward several years and we’re now looking at more advanced solutions using machine learning algorithms that refine ads in real-time like never before seen. Further tying into this trend is the emergence of integration partners such as Salesforce and Plugrush which leverage additional sources outside a business in order to empower marketers with deeper insights for reach optimization and creative possibilities.

It's not just about advertising either: Ad targeting on Facebook has long since extended it tentacles into areas such as content management too; meaning users are now offered more relevant experiences based on signals from their previous behaviors and interactions with business pages, posts, campaigns etc… As newly unveiled features become available too (like 2020’s audience testing) you get an extra layer granularity when it comes to leveraging customer segmentation strategies across core markets – underlining why having a presence on social media isn't something businesses can do without anymore!

Clearly then, this space is developing rapidly so who knows what other ways will be invented within our lifetimes? Regardless, one thing’s certain: Aiding businesses gain further headway into highly competitive arenas though proficiency in Ad targeting is here to stay – leaving no doubt that accessing those elusive ‘sweet spots’ will remain as essential today as it ever was!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Nearly 50% of active Facebook advertisers use ad targeting to reach their desired audience.
  2. 62% of marketers worldwide rely on Facebook for precisely targeted campaigns and ads.
  3. Each month, roughly 2 billion people are reached by Facebook advertisements that use ad targeting techniques.
  4. Approximately 66% of those who click on a Facebook Ad have done so because they were specifically attracted by the target audience feature.
  5. Companies who find success with Facebook Ads spend 6 times more than the average spender in terms of ad targeting efforts per campaign or project.
  6. An estimated 97% of small businesses use fancy ad targeting capabilities from both Google and Facebook platforms to increase their ROI (Return-on-Investment).
  7. It is said that in early Sparta, famous gladiators used impressive skills to capture crowds and quickly reigned as champions - much like how an advertiser uses successful ad targeting to ascend among his peers today!

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