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💡 This free test drive let's you see first hand what your leads could experience with DecimusAi.

🚨 This test is for a business selling senior care franchises. You will play the role of an inbound lead interested in a franchise strategy session to learn if this investment and brand is a fit for you.

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This test account has 1 qualification criteria; confirming the leads intention to purchase a franchise. In your account, you can have as many as you like although we recommend 3 or less.

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Ask any question you like during the test—if DecimusAi doesn't have the answer in its knowledge base, it will recommend to book a meeting for more details.

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This test is limited to 20 interactions; it will give you a feel for the product but its only the tip of the iceberg... DecimusAi has over 200 sophisticated interconnecting workflows ensuring unbeatable booking and show rates.

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Rise of Ad Copy: Crafting Killer Messages

The power of Ad copy writing can't be overstated. Crafting the right message and connecting with your audience is key to success. Learning how to write effective Ad copy is essential for any business looking to reach their goals. Take the time to understand the fundamentals and start creating compelling content - learn about Ad copy today!

Ad Copy Writing Power

What is 

Ad Copy: Craft Your Perfect Ad

Ad copy is key for businesses that want to effectively promote their products and services. It's the written content used in marketing campaigns to communicate a message about what makes the company’s offering special, which simply means it's language specifically crafted to grab attention and enhance the consumer's engagement with a brand.

The term "ad copy" can apply both to text-heavy forms of advertising, such as static or dynamic banner ads, printed collateral pieces and radio scripts, as well as more visual ads across various media channels including television commercials, video content on social media platforms and website popups. Regardless of the type of ad being made or shared, ad copy should always be creative yet succinct – it must deliver an effective message in a short space whilst still managing to capture attention.

To succeed at creating great ad copy that resonates with consumers requires understanding how language works and using that knowledge carefully. Think of those prolific wordsmiths from ancient Greek literature; spartans had no time for verbosity or fluff - they aimed their spear straight between the shoulder blades! That same precision mindset should inform modern day ad creators if they desire results when crafting killer campaigns - making sure every letter counts but not losing sight of creating something unique enough to travel through cyberspace seismic waves!

In conclusion, effective use of language is required when creating visually arresting art forms like television commercials but more so when writing persuasive sentences for traditional arenas like press releases or banner ads. Ad copy needs to provide readers with a clear understanding about why investing in your product will bring betterment; capturing eye-balls without ever leaving them feeling sold too hard on any one thing! If done correctly you’ll find your customers diving head first into conversations your work was instrumental in starting – now there’s one platforming example worthy even Spartan kings would be proud of!

How you can leverage it in your business

  • To raise curiosty: Entice readers to engage with your message by posing a question, or raising an eyebrow. Keep it honest and make people curious about why something’s happened, or what’s going on in your business.'
  • To create a sense of competition: Highlight the rewards that come from using your products and services. Show how customer’s can stay ahead of their peirs or push themselves to surpass other customers who have achieved success through working with you.
  • To personalize offers: Customize messages specifically for different types of customers by creating content tailored specifically towards them. Speak directly to the person reading the ad copy and make sure they feel like they are part of something exclusive.
Ad copy is an essential piece of marketing for businesses as it connects messages with potential consumers, localizing language to spark interest and increase engagement.

Other relevant use cases

  1. Try our amazing and revolutionary new product today!
  2. Get the latest version of [your product] at the best price here.  
  3. Find out how you can upgrade your lifestyle with [product].
  4. Unbeatable prices on all [type of product] – grab yours now!
  5. Discover something truly remarkable – get [your product/service] now!
  6. Live life to the fullest with [company name]’s products & services!  
  7. Save time & money with [brand name]'s most advanced products yet!  
  8. Powering up your world has never been easier - enjoy [brand name]'s streamlined options for a better future!  
  9. Experience what sets us apart from the others - only from[brand name]
  10. Go beyond expectation with our top-of-the-line-[something], exclusively offered by us!

The evolution of 

Ad Copy: Craft Your Perfect Ad

Ad Copy: Craft Your Perfect Ad

Ad copy has been around since the early days of advertising. From its inception, it’s been used to persuade consumers to buy a product or service and capture their attention with clever verbiage and imagery. Over time, the way marketers use ad copy has changed dramatically.

Today’s ad copy is much more sophisticated than it was years ago. For instance, thanks to modern technology like analytics and A/B testing, companies are now better able to optimize their messaging for maximum appeal; they can adjust words, phrases, images and other elements within an ad until it resonates well with target audiences. This type of customization has become commonplace in many industries that rely on effective marketing strategies to get ahead – from retail giants to small scale entrepreneurs.

The future of ad copy is predicted to be just as bright as its past. As social media usage continues to rise, so too does the need for compelling content that resonates with fans and followers alike – making great ad copy no less important now than it ever was before (if not even more). Keeping up with changing trends also means staying up-to -speed on developments in AI-related technologies like natural language processing (NLP), which could revolutionize the art of writing persuasive messages into something completely new – providing new opportunities for savvy marketers everywhere.

Ultimately though, one thing remains true despite all these advances: creating captivating yet meaningful ads will always be at the heart of good strategy; something that becomes increasingly important as markets become saturated with competition clamoring for customers’ attention (and money). Whether you’re looking at print ads in magazines or captions underneath tweets; whether you’re dealing directly with B2B clients or selling products through channels like Amazon – success will still depend heavily on how powerfully your message grabs hold of potential buyers' interests… making great ad copy a valuable asset where successful marketing campaigns are concerned!

Sweet facts & stats

  1. Almost 70% of all digital display ads are ineffective as they receive no clicks.
  2. Over 50% of consumers think that ads don't offer them relevant products or services.
  3. According to a survey, 65% of customers want personalized ad copy when engaging with brands online.
  4. 12% of marketers state that their biggest challenge in creating effective marketing campaigns is coming up with the right “Ad copy” for each platform or channel used for promotion.
  5. Approximately 79% of people prefer visuals over text in advertisements, and 36% would read “Ad copy” if it was visually attractive enough to draw them in.
  6. The length and complexity of the message affects recall by 24%, website visits by 27%, purchase intent by 40%.
  7. 55-60 characters is generally regarded as the ideal length for an effective “Ad Copy” headline written from scratch on Facebook Ads Manager or LinkedIn Ads Manager platforms so it can be seen without being truncated across most devices and placement sizes..  
  8. Spartans and Gladiators were masters at crafting pithy "ad copy" - only instead of print media or web pages, they communicated through epic speeches!

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